The Kiss

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Wayne Manor October 31st 19:45

Damian locked himself in his room to avoid the ongoings downstairs, Helena was aware of this and was going to do everything in her power to get him down. If the music was too loud or not to his liking he would come down, if people were upstairs he would come down and lecture them all, he was left in charge by Bruce and Selina and whenever he was given any responsibility he always let it get straight to his head. The party had only started fifteen minutes prior but people were already in the flow and drunk, including Jon who decided to go for a wander to clear his head when he came to a door.

"Who is it?" A voice asked

"We need to taalkk" Jon said

"No we don't, get out of my room. You shouldn't be up here" Damian exclaimed

"Shut up..and let me shpeak" Jon said shushing Damian

"You can speak but I won't listen, I can't believe your already drunk" Damian sighed

"I want to be friendsh again, like we ushed to be, beshtfriends" Jon said

"I don't, goodbye" Damian stated

Damian went to close the door in Jon's face when Jon grabbed his wrist

"I'm not finished" Jon said

"Let go of me" Damian ordered

Without hesitation Jon leaned in and kissed Damian on the lips pushing him into the room and closing the door behind them.

"S..stop it" Damian said smacking him

"Ow, whatsh thaaat for" Jon asked

"You have a girlfriend and I'm with Colin, don't do that. And get the FUCK out of my room" Damian said

"But I llike yooouu, and I can't shtop thinking about you, eshpecially shincee I shaaww you in that shkirt" Jon stated

"I can't do this, not again. Just go Jon, leave. Maybe in another time and place but not here not ever, I'm never going down that rabbit hole again" Damian said fighting back tears

"Again?" Jon questioned

There was a knock on the door and Helena walked in

"Get him out of here" Damian said glaring at her

"Okay, but you have a visitor" Helena said

"What?" Damian asked

She stepped aside revealing Colin, Damian ran and jumped at him hugging him. He could feel Jon watching and then he watched as Helena got rid of him and he saw the sadness in his eyes.

"So you and Jon are talking again" Colin exclaimed

"No we aren't he's annoying me" Damian replied

"Well, I did task him with protecting you from Alex in my absence so I need you two to get along" Colin stated

"Speaking of which, why are you here? Not that I don't want you here" Damian asked

"I heard that there was a boy who needed saving from a party, and the inner hero in me had to save him" Colin replied

"Consider him grateful, now where are you whisking me off to" Damian asked

"It's a surprise" Colin smirked kissing him

As they left they walked past Jon and Helena who seemed to be mid argument, they didn't take any heed of it and continued on.

"We both know your not drunk and if he finds out you were pretending to be drunk, you can say goodbye to any chance of redemption" Helena whisper shouted

"If I went in sober he never would have let me in" Jon replied

"What did you talk about?" Helena asked

"I talked he sighed disapprovingly" Jon replied

"Since he's gone, I need to show you something" Helena stated

They entered Damian's room and headed to his closet, they both stood up on a step ladder giving them view of a shelf.

"What do you see?" Helena asked

"A box, clothes, another few boxes" Jon replied

"What else" Helena asked

"I don't know what your getting at" Jon replied

"Dust!" Helena exclaimed

"Yeah except for that box there, Ohh you want me to open that box" Jon said in a duh moment

They took the box down and sat on the floor as Jon opened it, it was filled with pictures and trinkets, some were familiar while others weren't.

"He does care, he's just not ready to accept it yet" Helena stated

"He kept it" Jon said picking up a bracelet

"And your still wearing yours" Helena said

"I remember when we got these, we were ten and at the fair and we had just agreed to be best friends forever, Damian thought we needed to get something to commemorate the occasion, I said ice cream and he went and got friendship bands" Jon replied

"He also has a box under his bed, which we won't touch because it's filled with all the birthday cards and gifts that you and Cassie have him over the years. He just needs to time to forgive and heal" Helena said without thinking

"Forgive? You said forgive and he said again earlier, what did I do" Jon asked

"I really want to tell you but if I do, I lose him and I'm the only person other then Colin he really talks to" Helena stated

"Fine, but I will find out. I guess we should put this away and head back down" Jon said closing the box

"Yeah wouldn't want that girlfriend of yours getting suspicious" Helena joked

"No we wouldn't" Jon sighed to himself

They both proceeded back down to the party, where everyone else was still partying on in their absence. Helena joined Cassie and their group while Jon headed back over to Lexi and his team, he was there physically but he couldn't help but think about Damian. Likewise on the other side of Gotham, Damian couldn't help but think about Jon, he liked being with Colin but he now had the yearning to be with Jon like he used, and he thought he got rid of those feelings, also whenever he and Colin kissed he couldn't help but think, There were sparks in Jon's kiss, why did I smack him, was I right to push him away, why the FUCK is my life so difficult?, and that went on the whole time in his head while with Colin.

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