Rules of Engagement

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Wayne Tower Gotham Nov.11th 12:45

Helena was at her desk and she was doing work but it wasn't company work, she was going over seating arrangements and other bits and bobs for the wedding as herself and Zack decided to get married sooner rather than later and picked December. She was in her element when Tim walked in with Cass.

"You wanted us?" Cass questioned sitting down in one of two chairs opposite Helena's desk

"Yeah we're busy people you know" Tim laughed by himself

"I didn't call for you" Helena replied not looking up

"That's because I did, good to see no one is doing anything here" Damian stated

"Damian to what do we owe the pleasure" Helena asked

"I just wanted to check up on my company" Damian replied

"Our company" Helena corrected

"Yes, if it helps you sleep at night our" Damian said

"That's not the real reason, speak" Cass said

"Helena can I speak to you alone on the balcony first" Damian asked

"Sure?" Helena replied following him out

Cass and Tim watched as Helena and Damian were talking, Damian said something and she covered her mouth in shock before jumping up and down and hugging him, not caring about how discomforted Damian was by the hug.

"What was that about?" Cass asked

"Jon proposed" Helena exclaimed

"So he signed his soul away to the devil" Tim joked

"I will drop you from the top of this building" Damian stated

"Don't mind him, congratulations Damian" Cass said opting for a handshake over a hug

"Have you told Dick yet" Tim asked

"Nope, I'm not ready for his levels of excitement yet" Damian replied

"We should go celebrate" Helena exclaimed

"Not yet, I did come here to check on the company that was just a side note. Drake I didn't really want to tell you, you're here because myself and you are going down to R&D to see how you are spending the company's capital" Damian stated

"Great, a trip with the boss" Tim sighed

"Yes it will be" Damian said walking towards the door with Tim

"So do we need to warn Jon what he's getting into again or is he just blatantly ignoring our warnings" Cass asked

"He's been blinded, but I think he came temper the storm that is Damian" Helena replied

"I guess you're right, now since he is here we better get back to our jobs" Cass stated

"Yeah we probably should, but he'll be focused on Tim for a while so we are kind of safe" Helena said

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