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September 19th Luthor House 09:30am

Jon woke up to the feeling of his bare chest being kissed by his girlfriend after an eventful night. He lay still and looked at her until she snap he was awake and sat on top of him and leaned down to kiss him and he placed his hand on her hips to secure and keep her in place as they kissed.

"Mmm, what this for?" Jon asked

"Well you spent a lot of time on me last night, I think I should return the favour, especially when you have that body" Lexi smirked

"Or we could wait till later, I need a shower" Jon replied

"But you'll be tired after football" Lexi moaned

"Don't I always leave energy for you" Jon replied

"Ugh, fine but only because your so cute" Lexi smiled

Jon went and got in the shower for about ten minutes before getting out. He wrapped a towel around his waist after drying off a bit and walking back into Lexi's room.

"Hey sexy" Lexi stated

"You need to stop talking to yourself, it's rude in company" Jon said kissing her

They both then heard the door handle and Jon hid behind the door.

"We are going now sweetie" Alexandra said

"I'm going to miss you Mom" Lexi said hugging her

"Don't let your brother burn the house down" Lex added

"I'll miss you too, Dad" Lexi said as he pulled her into a hug

"Why was your shower on?" Lex asked

"I was going to have one and then I went on my phone and I remembered you were leaving so I decided not to until you left" Lexi replied

"Okay well we will see you on Monday" Alexandra said closing the door

The two waited until they heard the front door close, and Jon let out a sigh of relief.

"Your even cuter when your scared" Lexi laughed

"Your parents find out I spent the night they will kill me, and you know it remember what happened the first time" Jon replied

"I do it was hilarious" Lexi laughed

"I'm glad someone found it funny" Jon said sitting on the bed

"Are you sure you have to go right now" Lexi asked kissing him

"I knew it, please tell me you have something in under the towel" Alex exclaimed from the door

"Hey Alex, and no I don't" Jon replied

"What do you want brother?" Lexi asked sitting down beside Jon

"To throw a party" Alex stated

~Later After Practice~

The players were in the locker room getting out of their uniforms having a general conversation when Jon decided to give into Alex and Lexi's idea to throw a party at their house.

"Lexi and Alex are throwing a party and your all invited" Jon piped up

"You couldn't have said something sooner" Gar cheered

"Of course we're going aren't we guys" Bart replied

"Yeah I'm down" Billy said

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