Are you okay?

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September 1st Metropolis High 12:50

Damian was out of breath from running, he had been running for the past ten minutes since class ended. He had run from the third floor on the opposite end of the building to the end of the football pitches. He was hiding in one of the old janitor sheds trying not to wheeze or make a sound. He had texted Helena to come get him, but he could hear Alex and his gang, Klarion (The Witch Boy), Lonnie (Anarky) and Thaddeus (Inertia).

"Let's sniff him out, you can smell the fear" Klarion laughed

"It's been a while, my fist needs to reacquaint with your face" Alex said

Damian was holding his breath at this point, but he knew it was only a matter of seconds. While the three of them were complete idiots the shed was the only place to hide and there was no escape if the three of them got to the door.

"Come on out gay boy, we can show you a good time" Lonnie jeered

"Maybe we should do that, we should undress that would surely lure him out" Thaddeus stated

"Theo, Lon shut the hell up" Alex ordered

"Come on out Damian, we know your in there" Klarion stated

"HEY!" A voice exclaimed and the four went running and then Damian heard the door open

"Helena?" Damian questioned

"Not Helena, I heard the shouting came to see what was happening" the red head said

"Ohh, it's nothing I'm not used to" Damian said as he sent a text to Helena saying he was fine

"I'm Colin by the way" Colin said holding out his hand

"D..Damian" Damian said nervously not knowing whether to trust him or not

"Wanna getta bite, it is still lunch" Colin stated

"You don't want that, I'm better on my own" Damian exclaimed

"It doesn't look that way, come on" Colin said

"No seriously I ruin everything and everyone I meet your better without me, thanks for helping but I don't need any friends" Damian said

"Are you okay?, everyone needs a friend" Colin said as he sat down beside Damian who had gotten back on the floor

They sat in silence for a minute until Colin placed his hand on Damian's.

"I knew who you were, and I was there when they beat you to a pulp in the bathroom in the other stall crying to myself, I called the nurse when they left you unconscious" Colin said

"Why were you crying?" Damian asked trying to move his hand from under Colin's without it being noticeable so he just left it

"You aren't the only person who was picked in for liking guys, but they stopped when they saw it wasn't hurting me. I always wondered what happened to you" Colin said with a wide smile looking at Damian

"I thought I was the only one" Damian said in shock

"Well now you know your not and you have a friend" Colin said standing up

Damian just sat there with all these thoughts running through his head as he remembered that day.

"Come on, let's get some food" Colin said holding out his hand

Damian took his hand expecting Colin to let go after he helped him but instead Colin interlocked their fingers and they walked back toward the school. Damian stopped the hand holding as soon as he saw people though. After school Damian invited him over which shocked everyone but they didn't say anything and let them be. They were sitting opposite each other crisscross applesauce on Damian's bed.

"Nice house" Colin said

"It's a bit OTT" Damian sighed

"You really don't have many friends" Colin said

"What makes you say that" Damian said

"No pictures with anyone and more obviously you don't know what to do" Colin laughed

"The last time I had a friend over was six years ago, and then I left school and he never tried to talk to me and I cut everyone off" Damian replied

"Well you must have had some plan, why did you invite me over? Colin asked

"Because I wanted to know what happened earlier I was getting mixed signals with the hand holding and not knowing how to interact with people" Damian replied

"Let me make it clear" Colin said

He leaned in and kissed Damian in the lips causing the Arab boy to blushed and calm down a bit

"Does that answer your question?" Colin asked

"Mhm" Damian nodded in shock and still blushing

"So do you want to maybe be my boyfriend?" Colin asked

"Ehh, I don't know. Why me of all people, and your on the football team won't dating me ruin your reputation and.." Damian began worrying

"Hey calm down, I don't care I think your kinda cute and I want to get to know you better" Colin replied

"Kinda? I am cute" Damian exclaimed

"Woah, you have a backbone when you need to" Colin smirked

"But seriously, of all people why my. I am loser that doesn't deserve to live" Damian said

"Everyone deserves to live and I don't think your a loser. I think your brave for coming out" Colin said

"But I didn't" Damian replied

"You didn't?" Colin questioned

"No I didn't, Alex and his merry gang outed me to the whole school and now only the school, Helena, Cain, Brown and Grayson know" Damian replied

"Not the whole school know, some think you left because you went to some private boarding school" Colin laughed

"I wish I had" Damian sighed

"But hey, everything is looking up and you have me and my boys to protect you now" Colin said

"Your boys?" Damian questioned

"Yeah these two" Colin said flexing his arm muscles

"You really just wanted to flex your muscles on me" Damian said

"If I wanted to do that I'd take my shirt off, but I thought I'd leave that until our second date" Colin stated leaning in and kissing him

"Second? We haven't had our first" Damian said

"What would you have called lunch then?" Colin asked

Colin pushed Damian back and began kissing him again until they stopped and watched a movie from the comfort of Damian's bed, Colin had Damian under his arm snuggled up against him. For once Damian genuinely felt happy and but he was also scared at the same time.

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