Old Clothes

819 40 7

October 22nd Wayne Manor 12:45

Cass was moving out of the Manor in a week and she needed to get packing but she was leaving it until the last minute, and she wasn't getting much done because she asked Steph and Helena to help her pack and all they did was laugh and mess with no work. It was all fun and games until Steph made it serious.

"So what's up with Damian, why is he all mopey again" Steph asked

"He and Colin are on a break" Helena replied

"They broke up! I'm going to kill that boy for hurting Damian" Cass exclaimed

"They didn't break up, they just took a break. His Dad got some promotion and now they're moving to Europe" Helena replied

"That sucks" Steph said

"So it was mutual?" Cass asked making sure

"Yes it was" Damian replied from the door

"Damian!!!" The three exclaimed

"The walls are thin" Damian replied walking in and sitting beside Helena

"Want to help, it might distract you?" Cass asked

"Sure" Damian replied

The four began moving around the room and putting stuff into piles for Keep, Maybe and Throw away. Steph headed towards the wardrobe and pulled out a cardboard box.

"Cass look what I found" Steph squealed

"No way" Cass replied

"What is it?" Helena and Damian asked

Cass opened the box and pulled out four dresses and tea set.

"Why do you still have them" Damian asked

"So you remember" Steph laughed

"I wish I didn't" Damian replied

"What are you talking about?" Helena asked

"We used to dress Damian up like a princess and have tea parties, and you were there too we did it with him until he was four" Cass said crying with laughter

"It's not funny" Damian replied

"Is there any photographic evidence, because I need to see it" Helena said

"Well there isn't any" Damian pouted

"That's a shame" Helena laughed

"So...I just had a thought" Steph said with a smirk

"Not happening" Damian stated

"You don't even know what I am going to say" Steph replied

"You want to get me in a dress" Damian replied

"I wasn't going to say it that way, but yes" Steph replied

"No way" Damian exclaimed

"Come on Damian, just for old times sakes" Cass said

"Plus I really want to see this" Helena laughed

"No, plus those are childrens" Damian spat

"We have a full closet" Cass smirked

"I hate you all" Damian said

"That sounds like a concession" Steph stated

"I hate hanging out with you guys" Damian pouted

"No you don't" Cass stated

Helena thought she was free from the torment of the other two but she wasn't let off that easy, Cass went and picked out old clothes that she owned but hated and thew them at the other two to put on while Steph tried not to break out with laughter.

"Is this not the best thing ever!" Steph exclaimed

"No it's not" Damian said

"Cass you really had terrible clothes" Helena stated

"Well I didn't buy them your Mother did, she thought I would like the whole punk look because of how moody I was" Cass replied

"This skirt is too short" Damian exclaimed

"It's supposed to be like that, and before you complain about the crop top, it's also supposed to be like that" Steph said holding back tears from laughing so hard

"Can I get out of this now" Damian asked

Before Cass or Steph replied there was a knock on Cass's bedroom door

"Who is it?" Helena asked

"It's me, your Dad said you'd be up here" Jon replied

"What the hell is he doing here?" Damian asked

"Is that Damian?" Jon asked

"Yeah it is, and I am tutoring him since you declined" Helena replied

"Your tutoring him" Damian exclaimed quietly

"You refused to help me" Jon said opening the door

Jon immediately regretted opening the door as he got hit with something flying through the air as he saw Damian dive behind the bed.

"Oww what the hell" Jon exclaimed rubbing his head

"No one said enter" Damian spat

"Why are you hiding now?" Jon asked

"Maybe we should go start our session" Helena suggested

"No I want to know why he won't talk to me" Jon said

"And that's our cue" Cass said dragging Steph

"But it was getting good" Steph moaned

"Just go away Jon" Damian said

"Not until..." Jon began

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Damian shouted standing up revealing the skirt

Jon's cheeks began to feel hot as he blushed, but he turned so Damian and Helena couldn't see

"Fine I'm going, but we will talk about it" Jon said leaving with Helena

Damian left the room five minutes after they did storming right past Cass and Steph saying "I'm keeping the clothes"

"I knew it, you owe me fifty" Steph stated

"I hate you so much, you know that" Cass said taking out her wallet

"You're going to miss me when you leave though" Steph smirked taking the money

"No I won't" Cass said walking off

"Wait what? Why not?" Steph asked

"Because no matter how far I'll go you'll still find a way to annoy me" Cass laughed

Meanwhile Jon and Helena had gotten started on their Maths homework that had been assigned. Jon was bright and doing great in all his classes except Maths, he just didn't understand it at all.

"Did he really refuse to help me?" Jon asked out of nowhere

"Yeah he did" Helena sighed not looking up as she was getting some notes ready

"But we used to be so close, and then nothing and now he won't even look at me. I miss having my best friend" Jon said

"Then talk to him" Helena replied

"You saw how that went" Jon stated

"Then make him have to talk to you as if he can't escape you" Helena said

"How?" Jon asked

"Well the Luthor's hosted the last party, why don't we throw the Halloween one here in the Manor, that way Damian won't be able to miss it or leave early. But Alex can't come" Helena said finally looking up

"I thought you would have been on his side" Jon said

"I miss the old group and so does Cassie, but that isn't important, Algebra is" Helena smiled

Jon sunk into his chair as Helena smiled and started explaining the basic rules of Algebra and Algebraic fractions and equations which went in one ear and out the other. The whole time they sat there Jon had one thing on his mind, Damian, and how he was going to fix their friendship.

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