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July 25th Pamela's Diner 15:35

Damian, Jon, Helena, Cassie, Lexi and Jackson all decided to meet at the diner and open there college application letters together at the same time. Damian and Helena were running late and the others were just sitting waiting, Cassie was talking as per usual and Lexi was listening while Jon was only half listening while playing with Jackson. They had been seated for about ten minutes before the Wayne siblings turned up.

"Hello fellow soon to be college alumni" Helena greeted

"What took you two so long" Lexi asked

"Damian's hair" Helena replied

"Don't blame my hair, you took three wrong turns, I told you I should have drove" Damian stated

"Damian I've seen your hair routine, it was definitely that" Jon laughed

Damian just turned his head slightly and glared at his boyfriend who was laughing with Jackson giggling with him.

"I retract my statement" Jon gulped

"Blink twice if you need help?" Cassie asked

"We can't give him the help he needs, he's dating Damian a psychiatrist needs to look at him" Helena laughed

"Let's get this over with" Damian said

They all sat down with their envelopes at the ready and were about to open them when they were interrupted.

"I see your friends have arrived, is there anything I can get you now?" Pamela asked

"Doctor Isley?" Damian and Helena questioned

"Damian, Helena how good it is to see you" Pamela said

"This is your diner?" Helena questioned

"Yeah it is, after the incident in the lab Harley convinced me it was time to move on so I opened this place" Pamela replied

Damian and Helena continued talking to Pamela until eventually they got to ordering, then they got back to their letters.

"No distractions this time" Cassie stated

They all opened the letters they had brought, they each brought the one from the College they wanted above the rest, you could see all their faces light up as they did.

"Guess who is going to Columbia, I am" Cassie exclaimed

"Same, I got in on a football scholarship" Jon said proudly

"I'll call you from Yale" Helena smiled

"I'm going to Columbia as well" Lexi cheered

"Damian?, Damian actually looks surprised for once" Helena asked

"Dami did you get in?" Jon asked

"Yeah, yeah I did, I am going to the University of California" Damian cheered

"Well then, let's celebrate" Cassie exclaimed

Jon was taken aback by Damian's cheering, he had assumed he and Damian would be going to the same Universe so they could be closer and do more together. They ordered Ice cream and celebrated themselves before getting up and heading to their vehicles Jon gave Jackson to Lexi before holding Damian back.

"Yes? Is everything alright?" Damian asked seeing the look on Jon's face

"Yeah, it's just that.." Jon began

"The distance, is that what's worrying you" Damian interrupted

"Yeah kinda" Jon replied taking his hand as they began walking

"I am one hundred percent sure we can cope with some distance plus, I'll call or you'll call everyday and I'll be home home on the weekends" Damian stated

"But why did you apply so far away" Jon asked

"Because the course I wanted is there, Jon I do love you but I can't stay here just for you, and you know that" Damian said

"I know, I just had this vision of us being together" Jon replied

"And we will be just on opposite sides of the country" Damian said kissing his cheek

"Which means we have a month left" Jon smirked

"Don't do that look" Damian said

"What look" Jon asked

"You know what one" Damian replied

Damian went with Jon instead of Helena this time he got in the passenger seat while Lexi got in the back and strapped Jackson in as Jon started the engine. He drove back to the Lent house where Lois and Clark were waiting to hear wether they got in or not and the three went dead and Jackson started crying from the cheering. After lunch Jon disappeared and Damian went out to the treehouse where he found him.

"This thing is a health and safety hazard" Damian stated

"Don't disrespect the for Fortress of Attitude" Jon defended

"I forgot you called it that, it's still a stupid name" Damian smirked

"Not it's not" Jon said

"It needs to be torn down, before it falls" Damian said

"I won't let my parents or you do it, Jackson and our kids if we ever decide to have any will use it the way we used to" Jon stated

"Our kids? You do know how procreation works don't you?" Damian asked

"Yes of course I do" Jon replied

"Good I didn't want to explain it to you" Damian sighed with relief

"Sex isn't the only way to have kids Dami, aren't you supposed to be a genius" Jon stated

"I am a genius, not supposed to be" Damian scoffed

"Also I'm sorry for earlier, I shouldn't want you to stay and do what I want" Jon said

"Jonathan, I would stay here in a heartbeat to be close with you but this is what I want so I'm going to do it plus I am only doing two years instead of the four, I am too smart to be a beginner" Damian smirked

"Are you actually?" Jon asked

"Yeah, I knew I got in before I opened that letter" Damian replied

"How?" Jon asked

"That's for me to know, now let's get back inside before this monstrosity falls down with us in it" Damian replied

"He doesn't mean that" Jon said tapping the wall

"Yes I do" Damian said going down the ladder

They headed back inside where they sat with the others until Lois and Clark went to bed and Jon went to put Jackson to sleep leaving Lexi and Damian watching the TV and listening on the monitor and laughing at Jon's failing attempts to get the baby to sleep.

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