Surprise visit

401 18 1

October 8th University of California

It was early in the evening and Damian had been in his room for two and a half hours, currently he was standing in front of the mirror doing his hair and fixing his outfit and he was in his element when there was a knock on the door.

"Are you ready?" Jay asked

"Yes almost" Damian replied

"How long does it take you to get ready" Jay asked

"As long as it takes" Damian replied

"Well we need to get going, the party has already begun" Jay stated

"To make an impactful entrance you must be both fashionable and late" Damian replied walking past him

"Well we better not be too late my friend said it was hard to get tickets" Jay said

"Your friend Flatline, I want to meet this friend and what type of name is Flatline" Damian replied

"It's not her real name, that's her DJ name. Her name is Nika, and before you ask I don't know her surname" Jay stated

"Then she's not a friend just someone you know" Damian said

"Let's just go" Jay stated

Damian's phone began ringing as they walked across campus, it was Jon ringing but he decided not answer it and put his phone on silent. Jay noticed this but decided not to say anything, Damian hadn't been home or seen Jon in two weeks because of assignments and what not but he also hadn't talked to Jon since two days prior. They arrived at the party and started doing what teenagers do at parties and for once Damian gave in tonight and decided to have fun.

"Hey your roommate is kinda drunk, you should get him to bed" Nika stated

"I would but he'd chew my head off" Jay said

"So you get your head chewed off or he gets injured from being drunk, I'll help you get him back to the dorm" Nika stated

"Are you not the DJ for the party" Jay said

"It's a pre made playlist I just pretend to do things, they won't miss me" Flatline stated

"Okay let's get him" Jay sighed

They went and got Damian luckily he didn't cause a scene they got him back to the dorm where he threw up a bunch before finally going to sleep. Jay also went to bed and pulled out the pullout mattress for Flatline to stay the night and were woken at around eleven the next day by a knock on the door.

"Hey man it's early" Nika said opening the door

"Sorry, I must have the wrong dorm" Jon stated

"Wait no, this isn't my dorm I just stayed the night" Nika replied

"So Damian is in there" Jon stated

"You must be the boyfriend" Nika said

"Yes I am" Jon replied proudly

"Your boy cannot handle his drink" Nika laughed

"What, Damian drank. Where is he" Jon asked

"Sleeping it off" Nika replied motioning to the room

Jon went past her and into Damian's room, it was as black as night so Jon rolled up the blinds and the light hit Damian's face.

"Ugghh, get out of my room Nakamura" Damian exclaimed burying his head in the pillow

"I'm going to pretend you didn't call me another guys name" Jon said crouching beside him

"Beloved?" Damian questioned

"Good morning babe" Jon said kissing him

"Why are you here?" Damian asked groggily

"To see you, I'm not kissing you again until you brush your teeth" Jon said making a face

"Your a meanie now let me sleep" Damian stated

"Nope, come on let's get you cleaned up and then you can introduce me to your friends and I am never going to let you drink again" Jon stated

"Smartest thing you've ever said" Damian said

"Come on let's get you to the shower" Jon stated

"Or you could get in the bed beside me and let me sleep" Damian said

"You don't let me sleep, I'm not letting you sleep, now up" Jon ordered

"Carry me" Damian stated

"Fine" Jon stated picking him up

After Damian showered cleaned himself up and got dressed he joined Jon, Nika and Jay in the living area where Nika was on a beanbag, Jay was beside her on an armchair and Jon was sitting against the corner of the couch where Damian lay up against him.

"Welcome back to the land of the living" Jay said

"What were you talking about" Damian asked

"Your boyfriend's mom" Nika stated

"Ohh yeah you have a weird obsession with Lois" Damian exclaimed

"My Mom is pretty cool" Jon said proudly

They talked for a bit before Damian and Jon went to get some privacy and to talk.

"So were you intentionally ignoring me?" Jon asked

"What no" Damian replied defensively

"Then why haven't you picked up in two days" Jon asked

"I've been busy and before you ask about going home, I've had work to do" Damian replied

"I know I've just fucking missed you" Jon said pulling him in by the hips

"How much" Damian replied

"How much what?" Jon questioned

"Have you missed me" Damian replied jumping up on him

"I would show you, but the last time we did what I want to do I'm pretty sure you woke the whole neighbourhood" Jon smirked

"Is sex the only thing you ever think about" Damian asked seriously

"When it comes to my hot and sexy boyfriend yes" Jon replied kissing him

"All this flattery might actually get you somewhere Kent" Damian replied leaning into the kiss

The two continued making out until Jay stupidly walked in to ask a question causing Nika to laugh and the two boys to blush hard.

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