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November 5th The Treehouse 21:30

Jon was sitting in the old wooden shack waiting impatiently for Damian to arrive, he knows he said to meet at a quarter to ten but Damian was usually early. He was also starting to realise the full scope of what was happening, he was having a kid, a kid with his ex. He also now had to figure out how to tell his parents he was Bi and that he was going to be a parent. His thoughts were interrupted by the hatch opening and familiar spiky jet black hair appearing.

"What do you want, I'm not in the mood today" Damian asked bluntly

"Lexi is pregnant" Jon blurted

"SHE'S WHAT?! ARE YOU A FUCKING MORON?" Damian exclaimed

"Sheesh calm down" Jon replied

"Your sooo dead, like so dead you were buried a thousand years ago" Damian stated

"I know, I just wanted to see your response" Jon sighed

"Why, what does this have to do with me. I know we are amending a broken friendship but we aren't exactly besties again are we" Damian replied

"Because I wanted to see that if maybe when your ready do you maybe want to go on a date with me" Jon said

"Your Girlfriend is pregnant and your asking me out, wow real classy Kent" Damian said

"We broke up" Jon stated

"IM SORRY YOU BROKE UP WITH HER AND SHE'S PREFNANT..." Damian began but Jon covered his mouth

"Shut up!" Jon exclaimed

"Mhmhmhnhwm" Damian mumbled

"Are you going to be...ewww" Jon said

"Don't cover my mouth again or that will happen again" Damian replied

"Maybe I want you to lick me again" Jon mumbled to himself jokingly to cope with the high stress

"What?" Damian asked

"Nothing" Jon sighed

"Hmm" Damian hummed

"So will you?" Jon asked

"I, I don't know" Damian replied

"Why not?" Jon asked

"You'll have a new kid, you'll be getting ready for this kid you don't need me around, no one seems to. And I'm busy myself" Damian stated

"Damian I do want you around and so do others and what are you busy with" Jon asked

"Taking my crown back" Damian said

"Your going to fight Alex" Jon said

"Yeah, I've started lessons with Cass" Damian replied

"Dami don't fight him and secondly please give us a chance" Jon asked

"Tt, fine but only because you said please" Damian sighed

"No it's because you have a massive crush on me" Jon teased

Damian was about to make a snarky comment when his phone buzzed, he looked at it and rolled his eyes

"What's up?" Jon asked

"It's just my sister, what were you saying" Damian replied

"What does Helena want?" Jon questioned

"Not her" Damian replied

"Cass?" Jon said

"Nope" Damian stated

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