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September 25th Wayne Manor 17:45

Helena ran to open the door after she heard the bell ringing because that meant one thing, Dick had arrived and was planning to stay for the whole weekend. She did like her other siblings but like the rest of them, Dick was her favourite, he was everyone's favourite including Bruce's even though he denies it.

"Hey Helena" Dick said

"Hey Dick, it's only myself and Damian at the moment everyone else it out" Helena replied

"No big welcome party, that's just mean" Dick pouted before laughing

"Unfortunately not" Helena said

"So what's been going on with you?" Dick asked

"Not much, just going with the flow of life I guess" Helena answered

"And him? No one has asked for help in a while" Dick questioned looking up the stairs

"Why don't you go ask him yourself, my lips are sealed" Helena said

"I hate when you guys don't tell me things" Dick said walking to the the stairs

They both headed up and stood outside his door because they heard talking, it was muffled so they couldn't make out what it was. Helena knew exactly who Damian was on the phone to, well at least she thought it was the phone because she didn't remember Colin coming over. Dick knocked on the door and walked.

"I gotta go, bye" Damian said hanging up and throwing his phone on the ground

"Your not good at hiding things, and your reaction to me walking in means you have something to hide, tell me" Dick said jumping on his bed

"No" Damian replied

"Damian come on, I already know" Helena said

"You do, how?" Damian questioned a bit frightened

"Thin walls" Helena said knocking on the wall

"Why didn't you say anything?" Damian asked

"I was waiting for you to tell me" Helena said

"You have a boyfriend!" Dick exclaimed

"How, your stupid how could you figure that out?" Damian asked

"The way you two are talking, and the mark on your neck which you aren't hiding so well" Dick pointed out

"Shut up" Damian hissed placing his hand on his neck

"So have you told Bruce yet?" Dick asked

"Obviously" Damian replied sarcastically

"Ohh the sarcasm came back to life too" Dick laughed

"Grayson!" Damian exclaimed

"Chill out D, I'm not going to say anything. But I would advise telling them before they find out because then they will feel that you don't trust them to accept you" Dick advised

"Stop being right all the time, it's annoying when it isn't me" Damian warned

"Well let's go watch a movie or something" Dick suggested

"I have a phone call to get back too, I'll join you later" Damian said ushering them out

They left his room and they all went to do their own things, they stayed that way until the others came home and they all sat down to family dinner.

"So how's everyone?" Dick asked

"Great, until you spoke" Jason replied

"Is this dinner necessary, there are other things I could be doing right now" Tim asked

"Like hanging yourself" Damian muttered

"That's going to have to go in the notebook Damian" Tim mocked

"What! No it doesn't" Damian replied

"Damian any form of comment about or on death has to go in the notebook, Dr.Quinn's orders" Selina stated

"Why am I still in therapy, I don't need it anymore" Damian questioned

"Your staying in it until Dr.Quinn says you don't have to be there" Bruce replied

"I hate this family so much" Damian sighed

"What was that?" Jason asked

"I'm going to push you off a ledge" Damian shot back

"Damian" Tim tutted

"I've missed this" Dick said

"Really? No one else has" Helena said as she went back to eating minding her own business

The bickering continued throughout the rest of the meal and Bruce pretended it wasn't happening and Selina was trying not to laugh at them. Afterwards Bruce and Selina took Damian for a private chat in the office.

"What have I done now?" Damian asked

"Nothing Damian, nothing at all" Selina reassured

"Just Harleen suggested we sit down together once in a while and talk, which I think is a great idea since we don't do much of that in our family" Bruce stated

"Tt, fine. What did you want to talk about?" Damian questioned completely disinterested

"We want to talk about you of course, how's school going, you seem to be really enjoying it now unlike when we sent you back" Selina said

"It is not enjoyable it is still the same hell it's used to be" Damian replied

"That means I was right" Selina said to Bruce

"Right? About what" Damian asked

"Selina thinks you've fallen in love" Bruce replied

"So what if I have" Damian said

"I was kidding, you actually did?" Selina asked trying not to sound too surprised

"Why is that so surprising I have a heart just like the rest of you" Damian replied

"So what's her name?" Bruce asked

"Or his?" Selina added

"H.." Damian began to get really nervous he wanted to tell them but didn't at the same time

"Damian, are you okay?" Selina asked getting down beside him

"His name is Colin, but if that is unacceptable we can go back to before I said anything and continue with our lives as separate entities" Damian blurted out

"Damian has a boyfriend" Selina squealed hugging him

"I'm happy for you" Bruce mouthed

"Wait you guys don't hate me" Damian questioned surprised

"No of course not, we love you Damian" Bruce stated

"So what happened six years ago, did it have anything to do with this, is this why you thought we'd hate you?" Selina asked

"What no" Damian said unconvincingly

"Hmm, your free to go we will be doing this more often, maybe then you'll tell us what happened" Bruce said

"I wouldn't count on it" Damian replied leaving

They all went about the rest of their day as normal as can be other then the fact at random times Selina would barge in and sit beside Damian and try to get as much information out of him on Colin as possible, because she felt she had to at least try be the Mother Talia never could be to him.

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