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Wayne Manor August 9th 12:45

Damian had left Jon alone while he went to feed Alfred, Titus and Ace. Jon decided to wander around the Manor while Damian was away, he was walking down one of the halls when his phone began to ring, he looked at the screen and it was an unknown caller.

"Hello, Jon please tell me this is your number and not another wrong one?" A girl said

"Yeah it is, who is this?" Jon asked confused

"It's Athanasia, Damian's twin sister" Athanasia stated

"Oh hi, happy birthday I guess. Why are you calling me and not Damian" Jon questioned

"He won't pick up, now you have to bring him to the address I am sending you and it's not a trap our Mother will not be present" Athanasia said hanging up

"Hello" Jon said into the phone

"Hello, what's up with you" Damian asked

"Nothing, just a strange call, I think we should go for a drive" Jon said

"If it gets me out of here and away from Grayson then let's go" Damian stated

They headed out the front and into Jon's car, Jon started the engine and began driving, they were driving away from the city and up the mountains, but something snapped in Damian's head.

"Stop the car" Damian ordered

"Yeah, what's wrong" Jon said applying the breaks

"Now don't lie, we're you on the phone with Athanasia?" Damian asked

"Why?" Jon asked

"Were you or weren't you?" Damian questioned

"She called me" Jon said

"Turn the car around" Damian demanded sitting back in the chair

"No, we are going to whatever this is, your sister wants to see you on your shared birthday might I add and your Mom won't be there" Jon replied

Damian turned his head glaring at Jon with visible veins on his forehead

"Turn the car around I am not going to that cabin ever again" Damian spat

"Yes you are, we are burying this feud you have with your family" Jon said

Damian sunk back into his chair and looked outside the window as Jon began driving again, they drove for another five minutes before Jon parked in front of the cabin.

"Come on" Jon said

"No, I am staying right here" Damian replied

"I'll make it up to you big time if you do" Jon stated

"No" Damian replied

"Damian get out of the car" Jon said

"You can't make me" Damian replied

"Stop being a baby, and get out" Jon said

"Why are you forcing this, I don't want to do it. You shouldn't be making me do something I don't want to do especially on my birthday" Damian exclaimed

"I know, but this, this needs to be done" Jon replied

"Your going to have to make it up to me big time, and I'm not talking I will walk in stay for exactly two minutes and leave" Damian exclaimed

"That's all I ask" Jon replied

The two got out of the car and walked up to the door and knocked, Athanasia opened the door

"You came!!" Athanasia exclaimed

"Not of my own accord" Damian stated

"He's happy to be here" Jon laughed earning a glare

"Damian you'll be happy you came, it's Grandfather he wanted to see you" Athanasia said

"No" Damian replied

"He's never done anything to you" Athanasia exclaimed

"But he never stepped in, he never stopped her and he knew what was going on. No!" Damian stated

"You know he's unwell, he wants one last chance to see you before the inevitable will you please talk to him, do it as a present for me" Athanasia replied

"No" Damian stated

"Can I speak to you for one second" Jon said grabbing his arm

"Let me go" Damian ordered

"Not until you use your head" Jon said

"I am using it, I don't want to see him" Damian replied

"If my Grandpa wanted to see me one last time I would have went, if I knew the last time I saw him was the last time I wouldn't have wasted it doing what we normally do I would have done something special. So see him don't do what you normally do, go talk to him because I would kill for one last chance to see my Grandpa" Jon exclaimed

"We have very different families beloved, I hate mine and you love yours" Damian said

"I know but please, don't waste this chance because I will hold it against you" Jon stated

"Tt, fine" Damian sighed rolling his eyes

"I saw that" Jon replied

"Good I wasn't trying to hide it" Damian snapped

"Someone's sleeping on the couch" Athanasia laughed

"For the next year" Jon added

The two sat outside the room and waited while Damian talked to Ra's, Jon was almost ninety percent sure he heard Damian crying in the room. The door opened and Damian stood there eyes slightly red but trying to hide it.

"He wants to see you" Damian stated

"Me?" Jon questioned

"Yes you" Damian said

Jon got up and Athanasia followed as they walked into the room, where Ra's was laying on a bed hooked up to a heart monitor and breathing apparatus.

"You must be Jonathan" Ra's said

"Yes sir" Jon replied

"Damian, has told me little about you. But I can tell he adores you, so if you hurt him in any way I will you my last breaths to make you feel just as hurt and worse" Ra's warned and threatened

"Grandfather" Damian said

"I wouldn't dream of it" Jon laughed nervously cutting in

"Still I feel I had to warn you" Ra's stated

"Who wants cake?" Athanasia asked changing the subject

"I do" Jon grinned

"You always do" Damian sighed

Athanasia went with Jon to get the cake while Damian sat in the room with Ra's, there was an uneasy tension in the air but Damian could tell he was trying to make amends for not doing anything and the way Talia behaved. After they finished in the cabin they went back to the Manor, Jon could tell Damian was just pretending to be mad so he didn't seem wrong, but as they went to bed that night he could have sworn he heard Damian apologise, but when he turned to accept it he was asleep or just seemed to be.

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