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July 4th Wayne Manor 18:45

Bruce was standing in the garden with Dick and Jason at the Barbecue as they began barbecuing their food. Damian was sitting reading his book and ignoring Helena and Selina who were trying to involve him in their conversation and Tim was with Kori and Alfred getting the sand, water and a fire extinguisher ready for when the other three set the food and barbecue on fire.

"Alfred is that really necessary?" Bruce asked

"Hmm do you not remember last year, you managed to set the shrubbery on fire, and the last time either Masters Richard or Jason attempted to cook the fire department had to be called, so I ask you Master Bruce is it necessary" Alfred replied

"You tell them Al" Tim said

"Master Timothy you are not a Masterchef either" Alfred stated

"That was uncalled for Al" Tim said

"Was it Drake, he was just handing out whatever you hand out when you cook, it's called a burn" Damian mocked

"You aren't going to say anything to him" Tim exclaimed

"No, Master Damian unlike the rest of you can tell the difference between good cuisine and garbage" Alfred smirked

"And Drake unlike yourself I can differentiate between a spoon and a ladle as well as a knife and fork, while you stand there and ask for the pointy thingy or the big spoon" Damian mocked

The doorbell interrupted the conversation and Tim went to open it.

"Hey" Bernard said

"Hey" Tim said

"What's wrong, your not in your usual high spirits" Bernard asked

"Nothing, I am just tired and Damian's still a little shit" Tim replied

"What did you just call him?" Jon asked

"Jon hey, how are you I said nothing don't shove me in a locker" Tim cowered

"Why would I do that?" Jon asked confused

"It's what happened when he refused to do stuff or said anything bad about Jason" Bernard laughed

"Jon leave Tim alone" Clark said seeing Jon all up in Tim's space

"Happy Fourth of July" Lois said walking in with Lexi and Jackson

"Where is everyone" Clark asked

"Out the back" Tim replied as they walked off

"If you tell Damian your dead" Tim stated

"Am I?" Jon asked cocking his head to the side

"No maybe not, I'll be dead please don't tell him" Tim pleaded

"Don't tell who what?" Damian asked

"You that you're the most beautiful person on the planet" Jon said kissing him

"Why can't you be like that" Bernard said elbowing Tim

"Why would you not say that and why would Drake be saying that?" Damian asked

"Because it would inflate your already inflated ego" Tim stated

"I would kill you for saying that, but that would ruin my appetite and food is ready" Damian replied

They all walked out to the back where Bruce was beginning to dish out food, Damian had stopped in the kitchen on his way out to grab his food as he didn't eat meat and didn't want any of his food cooked near or on the same utility to cook the other food. They sat outside talking and laughing, Titus interrupted running outside and jumping up on Damian with his lead in his mouth. Damian got up and took Titus into the gardens and was followed by Jon.

"Do you just walk him around out here?" Jon asked

"Yes, he still hasn't seen it all" Damian laughed

"Have you heard back on any of your applications?" Jon asked out of nowhere

"No it's way too early for them to be sent out, why are worried about us" Damian replied

"No I was just wondering" Jon replied

"Titus get out of the roses" Damian ordered as Titus began digging up the roses

"Alfred would kill him and you if he saw" Jon laughed

"He could try but no one hurts Titus, he's my baby" Damian said

"Well your baby is cute but he isn't as cute as mine" Jon exclaimed

"Titus is way cuter" Damian defended

"Then you!, if you say so" Jon said

"Wait what no, yes, I don't know we are equal" Damian replied flustered

"I can't believe you said Titus was cuter than Jackson" Jon stated

"Did I ever say how cute you were" Damian said

"Don't change the subject" Jon exclaimed

"I'm not" Damian defended

"Yes you are, you are diverting to the fact that I am adorable so you don't have to admit that you said Titus was cuter then Jackson" Jon said

"I would never" Damian said

"Then who's cuter Titus or Jackson" Jon asked

"This is a trap" Damian exclaimed

"No it's not, I'm genuinely curious as to how you think" Jon stated

"Jackson the answer is Jackson" Damian replied

"That must have been difficult" Jon teased

"It was" Damian pouted as Jon began to laugh at him

Damian then looked at his watch and realised it was time for them to head back up, so he whistled for Titus and they began walking back up to where the others were waiting, when they arrived Dick and Jason were mid-arm wrestle trying to determine who was stronger.

"Alright that's enough" Bruce said

"I almost have him" Jason stated

"Do you" Dick smirked slamming Jason's hand onto the table

"Dickwad" Jason muttered

"Firework time" Cass interjected

"Where have you been?" Bruce asked

"Getting the fireworks" Steph replied

"Lets set them up" Jason exclaimed

They set up the fireworks and much to Jason's disappointment Bruce wouldn't let him set off any fireworks. Bruce set them all off as they stood back and watched as the colours exploded in the sky, Damian leaned his head on Jon shoulder as Jon held his hand and looked at Damian watching the colours light up his face.

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