Don't even think about it

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November 6th 9:30am Kent House

Damian had spent the night in Jon's after his confrontation with his Mother, he had a million missed calls and texts from his siblings, Father and Selina. He was standing in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror, the tear stains on his cheeks, the dead look in his eyes and the bags from lack of sleep. He rolled up his sleeves and looked at the old scars on his wrists and up his arms.

"Your a freak, like they always said" he sighed to himself

"You know you want to do it, give in. Bruce and Dick aren't here to stop you, they only feel bad because they have too and Jon he'll drop you as soon as that kid is born" Talia's voice said in his head as his eyes were glued to Jon's razor.

"No, no, no just shut up!" Damian said hitting his head

"Damian, are you okay?" Lois asked knocking on the door

"I'm fine" he said opening the door and walking past her

"Not so fast" she said grabbing his wrist

"Yes?" Damian asked

"Jon told us what happened, I wouldn't be okay after that" Lois replied

"It's nothing new" Damian sighed walking off

He walked back to Jon's room and got back in bed beside him. Jon still half asleep pulled him close and held on tight as if there was no tomorrow.

"Hmm, you smell nice" Jon hummed

"Your smelling me, that's weird" Damian said

"You got in my bed, and snuggled right up close to my face I couldn't not" Jon replied

"Thank you" Damian said

"For what?" Jon asked

"Being there for me" Damian replied

"Always" Jon stated

"I should probably get home" Damian said

"We need to tell my parents" Jon replied

"We? You need to, I didn't knock up Lexi" Damian replied

"I meant about us" Jon replied

"Jon about us" Damian said

"Don't change your mind now" Jon replied

"I need to know, if when the baby arrives will you still want me around?" Damian asked

"Of course I will, I know we only started dating but I want you with me all the time" Jon stated

"I've wanted you around me since we met" Damian replied

"And I was oblivious" Jon replied

"Was? You are" Damian stated

"Wait right there, I'll be back in one second" Jon said jumping up

"What's wrong?" Damian asked

"I really need to go" Jon said running out the door and to the bathroom

Once in there he did his business and went to wash his hands when he noticed something off.

"Mom, did you move my razor?" Jon asked as she walked by

"No I didn't honey, did it fall on the ground?" Lois asked

"No, I'll ask Dad" Jon replied

"Your Dad, if he moved something pigs must have started flying" Lois laughed walking downstairs

"Dad did you move my razor?" Jon asked running into his parents room

"No I didn't sorry son" Clark replied

"Odd" Jon said as he walked back to his room

"What's odd?" Damian asked

"My razor vanished" Jon replied

"Actually I took it" Damian stated

"Why?" Jon asked

"Because of last night" Damian said with tears forming as he took it out of his pocket

"You weren't going to use it were you?" Jon asked shocked

"Jon, I didn't want you to know because you'd look at me the way your looking at me now, but it's the reason I'm in therapy" Damian said rolling up his sleeves for Jon to see

"Dami!" Jon exclaimed

"If you want me to go, I'll go" Damian cried

"No, no I don't want you to go. I don't want you to ever go, I don't want you to feel like that's your only option anymore" Jon said hugging him

"But I'm a freak" Damian cried into his chest

"No your not" Jon said

They stood like that for a few minutes before Lois called them down for breakfast, Damian dried his eyes and followed Jon down the stairs and sat beside him in silence. Lois could tell something had happened, but said nothing until Damian left the table.

"What happened?" Lois asked

"He took my razor, to use it" Jon said

"That's not so bad" Clark said

"Not like that Dad" Jon exclaimed

"Oh, that is troubling does Bruce know" Lois asked

"No I'm going to tell Helena, so they know before I drop him home" Jon replied

"Well then, how's Lexi?" Clark asked changing the subject

"She's fine, we broke up" Jon replied

"What?!" Lois asked

"We both felt it wasn't what we wanted" Jon answered

"But you two were so in love" Lois replied

"I guess I fell out of it and in with someone else" Jon said

"Who? Damian" Lois asked with a look

"Don't be silly" Clark laughed

"She's not wrong" Jon said

"Wait you and Damian?" Clark asked

"Yeah, me and Damian" Jon replied

"I'm happy for you honey" Lois said hugging him

"What's going on?" Damian asked coming back in

"I told them" Jon replied

Clark stood up and walked towards Damian in silence, causing Damian to gulp in fear.

"If he does anything to hurt you, you tell me and I'll sort him" Clark said with a hand on his shoulder

Damian sighed with relief "Don't worry I will"

"This day is full of surprises" Lois exclaimed

Next the doorbell rang, Lois got up and answered it to discover a crying Lexi

"Lexi!" Jon exclaimed

"Come in, come in" Lois said

Lois sat Lexi down and Jon began to get nervous, he knew what was about to happen he felt his chest begin to tighten, his breathing becoming heavier and he felt the room getting smaller. Damian noticed the lost and distraught look in Jon's eyes and grabbed his hand, while he wasn't in the best head space he had to try and make Jon feel better after the help Jon gave him the night prior.

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