The Game

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November 28th Central City High

Damian and Lexi were sitting in the stands as the game was about to start, over the last two or so weeks they had become close, much to Jon's dismay because he knew they talked about him but he never knows what they've talked about.

"So I've been to one of these games, and I didn't pay attention what am I supposed to be doing" Damian asked

"Your supposed to cheer when we score" Lexi replied

"And our team is the one in blue?" Damian questioned

"Yes it is, you really don't know anything about this game do you" Lexi laughed

"Nope, not a thing. I am more of books and chess person" Damian replied

"Just so you know, if they win this game he'll start calling you his lucky charm and you'll have to come to all of the games, he'll also be in a really good mood" Lexi said with a look

"What does that look mean?" Damian asked

"Come on, you know what I mean" Lexi stated

"No I don't" Damian replied

"I didn't just magically become pregnant" Lexi stated

"Yeah that's not happening" Damian replied

"Wait you two haven't done it yet?" Lexi questioned

"No we haven't, we literally only started dating like what two three weeks ago. It's not going to happen that fast" Damian replied

"Wait a sec, he's tried hasn't he?" Lexi asked

"Yes he has, he is the most needy person ever" Damian stated

"I know isn't he, he either needs you talking to him or cuddling him, there's no escaping him" Lexi replied

"Literally, I was trying to draw and he just wrapped his arms around me and said nothing" Damian replied

"You know what you should do, I used to do it all the time and it annoyed the crap out of him. Whenever he's on the Xbox playing with the others just curl up beside him or lay across him and when he doesn't give you any attention walk away and pretend to cry, he stops playing immediately and then you laugh and he's really annoyed" Lexi stated

"I'll keep that in mind, you know I thought we would be awkward around each other" Damian stated

"So did I, I am so glad we aren't" Lexi said

"Also it annoys him we get along so well, none of his secrets are safe" Damian laughed

"Hey there you two" Alex said from behind them

"Great" they sighed

"What do you want Luthor" Damian exclaimed

"Someone found their backbone" Theo stated

"So get lost" Damian stated

"You really wanna do this Wayne" Alex asked

"What's going on here?" Clark asked walking up with Lois

"Luthor was just leaving" Damian replied

Alex just glared at Damian before leaving with the others

"Damian your really starting to grow back into your old personality" Lois said

"I've been working on it" Damian said

"Just don't go overboard" Clark said

"I won't, look the game is starting" Damian replied sitting back down. They sat there cheering on Jon and the team, and they won. Jon and the team were celebrating on the field while the parents and onlookers cheered from the crowd but Damian sat there just staring at Jon before getting up and leaving. He was heading to the dressing room when he was yanked aside.

"Let's put you back in your place" Alex spat

"Above you, because I'm richer, smarter and better looking" Damian replied with a smirk

"He's asking for it" Lonnie stated

"Do it" Klarion exclaimed

Alex punched Damian, his nose began bleeding and all he did was start to smile and then laugh after a few punches, by then a gash had appeared above his right eyebrow

"Why are you laughing, freak" Theo stated

"Oh, that just really tickled" Damian mocked

"Your insane Wayne" Alex spat going to punch him again

This time Damian grabbed his wrist, and in the blink of an eye he had Alex against the wall using a move Cass showed him.

"So, this can go two ways. I break your wrist and you leave me and your sister alone or you can continue and this won't be the only thing I break" Damian stated

By this stage Jon was at the car with his parents and Lexi waiting.

"Where'd he go?" Jon asked worried

"He was on his way to the locker room to see you" Lexi replied

"What if something happened to him" Jon said he could feel his breathing getting heavier and everyone else heard it

"Jon, I'm sure he's fine just breathe" Lois said

"Well I'm better then the other guy" Damian said

"Damian...Oh my god what the hell happened" Lois exclaimed

"I let Alex punch me, then broke his wrist" Damian replied

"You did what?" Clark exclaimed

"Cass didn't teach me that for nothing" Damian shrugged

Jon had been rummaging through his bag and got a towel and began cleaning the blood off Damian while Lois applied bandages. They were all then dropped at the Manor. Damian was on his bed reading when Jon jumped up beside him.

"I like and dislike this side of you" Jon said

"Dislike?" Damian questioned

"I don't like you getting hurt, but I like that your defending yourself again" Jon said kissing him

Jon then jumped on top of him not breaking the kiss and began kissing his neck.

"No, not happening" Damian stated

"Oh come on, please" Jon pouted

"Maybe for Christmas, but I'm not ready yet. Lexi warned me about this" Damian replied

"She did, what else did she say" Jon asked

"Nothing" Damian stated

"Hmm okay, speaking of Christmas, is there anything I should keep an eye out for?" Jon asked

"Anything you think I'll like, which is anything you give me" Damian replied

"Aww" Jon cooed

"I know sappy" Damian said scrunching his face

"Don't you wanna know what I want" Jon asked

"I already know" Damian replied

"Really?" Jon questioned

"Please Dami please wear the skirt again" Damian said mimicking his voice

"Well that..." Jon began

"Isn't happening" Damian replied

"Why not, it made you look really hot" Jon replied

"Anything does that to me, now start thinking with your head not your pants" Damian said

"Your mean" Jon pouted

"Am I" Damian asked cuddling him

"Well you can be, right now though your adorable" Jon said kissing his nose

"Goodnight" Damian said

"I love you" Jon replied

With those words Damian seemed to disconnect from his body. He knew he loved Jon but he wasn't sure he was ready to say it, and he wasn't ready to hear it either. So he stayed quiet and pulled himself closer to Jon, Jon on the other hand was now panicking because he knew Damian moved slow and he was now afraid that he pushed too far saying that so he just tightened his grip around him.

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