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Wayne Airfield September 25th 12:00

Damian disembarked from the jet, he walked towards Jon who was leaning against the hood of his car waiting for him. Jon stood up as Damian got closer to him, and wrapped his arms around him kissing him.

"I've missed you" Jon stated

"It's been a week and we have talked three times a day if not more" Damian replied

"So you haven't missed me?" Jon questioned hurt

"Of course I did, I was just pointing out that there wasn't much to miss" Damian replied

"Now you're just trying to hurt my feelings" Jon said

"I would never" Damian said kissing him

"Come on let's go" Jon said grabbing Damian's suitcase

"Thank you beloved" Damian said getting in the car

Jon sat into the car after putting Damian's bags in the trunk and started the engine and began driving.

"So where are we going?" Damian asked

"I thought we could get you home and then go for dinner and see what happens from there" Jon replied

"You know what you want to happen from there" Damian stated

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't" Jon replied with a smirk

"Well then, get me home so I can get changed and we can head to dinner" Damian said

"Sounds like a plan" Jon stated

"Start driving" Damian said

"Fine I will, so I have a game tomorrow first match of the season and I want you to be there" Jon said

"I'll go but I won't be happy" Damian replied

"Why not, I thought you said I was hot in the gear" Jon teased

"I'm home for two days a week, that I want to spend with my boyfriend not spend time with strangers watching him run around and get tackled" Damian replied

"I know you don't want to, but Dami come on it's important to me and you won't be with strangers" Jon stated

"What is that supposed to mean?" Damian asked

"My parents will be there, Helena and Cassie said they'd come and Colin's girlfriend will be there, but she's a stranger to you so there will be one and I need someone to hold Jackson cause Lexi has a family thing" Jon replied

"Tt, fine but you have to make it up to me" Damian stated

"You know I will" Jon replied kissing his cheek

Jon put the car in gear and drove off, Damian turned the radio on as they sped down the road. After about forty five minutes of driving Jon pulled up to the Manor gates, he pulled up right outside the front door. The two got out of the car and Alfred opened the door and Titus barged past him and jumped on Damian.

"Hey boy" Damian said petting his dog

"Master Damian it is good to see you, but it has been less than a week I thought you were staying over the weekend" Alfred stated

"No I'll be home every weekend Pennyworth, it's good to see you too" Damian said walking past him

"Hey Al" Jon said

"Master Jonathan" Alfred acknowledged

"Damian is that you?" Selina called from the drawing room

"Yes it is Kyle" Damian responded

"Can you come here for a second" Bruce called

"Grayson, Kori what are you doing here?" Damian asked entering

"Take a seat, we have some news" Kori beamed

"Your pregnant" Damian stated

"How'd you know?" Dick asked

"Intuition" Damian replied

"That's great news, I'm so happy for you two" Selina stated

"Congratulations you two" Bruce said

"Is that all?, I have to get changed and I am happy for the two of you" Damian said

"Thanks Lil'D" Dick exclaimed

"Don't call me that" Damian said walking out

He left the room and headed up to his room where he found Jon playing with Titus and Alfred asleep on his bed.

"What was that about?" Jon asked

"Kori and Grayson are expecting" Damian replied

"A baby really" Jon exclaimed

"No they are expecting to die, of course a baby" Damian replied sarcastically

"No need for the attitude" Jon stated

"I thought you liked my attitude" Damian replied

"I do, but sometimes it's unnecessary" Jon stated

"Okay now get out I need to change" Damian replied

"Why?" Jon asked

"Privacy" Damian stated

"But I've seen you with nothing on" Jon smirked

"And if you ever want to again you'll leave" Damian said kissing him

"But I miss the view" Jon stated grabbing his hips

"I know, that why you can't see it until I want you to" Damian whispered into his ear with an evil smirk

"Your such a tease you know" Jon said

"Bye" Damian said as Jon left the room

Damian got changed and left his room and grabbed Jon's hand as they walked back down to the car. They arrived at the restaurant Jon had booked and were shown to their seats and ordered their food. Afterwards they went back to the Kent house where only Lexi and Jackson were home.

"Hey Lexi, hello Jackson" Jon exclaimed walking over to the baby's cot

"Hey you two, did you enjoy dinner" Lexi asked

"Yes it was a very pleasant evening" Damian replied

"How was the little rascal?" Jon asked picking the baby up

"An angel as always" Lexi replied

"So nothing like his father" Damian laughed

"Exactly, now I best be off to bed. Jon will you put him to bed please" Lexi asked

"Yeah I will, if I don't see you in the morning enjoy your Moms birthday" Jon replied

"I'll try, now goodnight boys, and goodnight my sweet Prince" Lexi said kissing Jackson's forehead before going to bed

"So what do you wanna do now?" Jon questioned with a smirk

"Get you and Jackson to bed, you do have a game tomorrow don't you" Damian said

"Well we can have some fun tonight before my game" Jon said suggestively

"I wouldn't want to waste your energy or keep you up, let's get to bed maybe another time" Damian said kissing his cheek

Damian and Jon headed upstairs, Jon put Jackson in the cot in his room so he would be close in case he woke up. He then jumped into the bed beside Damian and wrapped him in his arms and attacked him with kisses before going to sleep.

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