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Kent house October 26th 09:00

Damian and Jon were sound asleep and had been after their activities the day before, however Jon was woken to the sound of crying and not just normal crying a painful cry. Jackson had gotten better at sleeping but Jackson had now begun teething and his cries were painful to listen to.

"Go help your son" Damian said half asleep

Jon climbed over Damian and out of bed and headed towards Lexi's room where she was already bouncing the crying baby to no avail. Jon took him and still he wouldn't stop.

"Why won't he stop" Jon complained

"Because he's in pain" Lexi replied

"Come on Jackson, can you stop crying for Mommy and Daddy, come on please" Jon asked bouncing the baby

"Your doing it wrong" Lexi said

"You couldn't get him to stop either" Jon replied

"Let me" Damian said entering the room

Damian took Jackson off Jon and held him in his arms and just looked down at him and rocked him gently, and he began to quieten down.

"How?" Jon and Lexi asked in unison

"Talent" Damian replied

"Jon I'm stealing your boyfriend, he's staying in here with me until Jackson stops teething" Lexi stated

"It does smell nicer and look cleaner in here" Damian replied

"No, who will I cuddle if your not there" Jon stated

"Your pillow" Damian and Lexi said in unison

"I hate how friendly you two are" Jon sighed

Jon left the room to go get breakfast while Damian handed the baby back over to Lexi and followed Jon downstairs. After they ate they all got changed and got in Jon's car and drove to Zack's house to help him set up.

"Damian, Jon, Jackson and Lexi it's good to see you all" Zatanna greeted

"Thanks for having us" Jon said

"Anytime, I believe my son is outback. You Wayne's make everyone think you have high standards" Zatanna stated

"Who says we don't" Damian laughed

"They're just needy" Jon joked

"Are we?" Damian questioned

"I'm just kidding" Jon laughed

They were shown to the garden where Zack was  setting up with Billy

"Hey guys" Lexi called

"Good your here, we are lent finished and Helena will be here any minute" Zack said worrying

"Zackary, stop worrying it's only my sister. She'll be fine with this more than adequate set up, Jonathan however if you decide to ever do this try harder" Damian warned

"Is this because of my comment about being needy?" Jon asked

"Yes, yes it is" Damian replied causing Jackson to giggle

"Thanks I guess" Zack sighed

"Zack it looks great, remember Helena doesn't care wether she has this or not unlike her brother" Lexi stated

"I know, I just like making everything special for her" Zack stated

"Which you do, and you don't have too" Helena said arriving with Cassie

"Hel" Zack exclaimed as they ran at each other

"Here leave a space in between no funny business" Damian warned

"There was no space between us yesterday" Jon whispered

"Kent" Damian exclaimed going red Lexi had heard and was just laughing at the two

"So what are we doing" Cassie asked

"We are waiting for more to arrive before we actually start" Zack replied

After a couple more people arrived like Colin, Maya, Jessica, Yara, Wally, Emiko, Jaime and Bart the festivities began.

"So how's your road trip been so far?" Jon asked

"It was good and it's over, I can't spend any more time with these two idiots" Jaime laughed

"Hey" Bart exclaimed

"You are insufferable man" Wally stated

"Bart I miss how insufferable you are when we are on the field" Billy said

"Thanks, at least I know who my real friends are" Bart laughed

"Wait we're friends?" Billy asked jokingly

"You are all cruel, where's Jon when you need him" Bart asked

"Changing Jackson" Lexi stated

While they all continued talking Damian spotted Helena sitting up in Zack's treehouse so he climbed up and sat beside her.

"I'm supposed to be the depressed quiet sibling" Damian said interrupting the silence

"You still are, don't worry I won't tell father you said that" Helena replied

"I'm done with Dr.Quinn I haven't seen her in ages. Why are you hiding up here?" Damian asked

"I don't know, I did want to see everyone at some point but I guess I was kind of hoping that me and him would do something just us" Helena stated

"Then say something to him, he was so stressed about making this perfect for you. Take a page out of my book and how I deal with Kent" Damian said

"And scare him into loving me" Helena laughed

"I don't do that" Damian defended

"I miss talking to you, and if you don't reciprocate that statement stay quiet" Helena stated

"I missed you too" Damian mumbled

"What was that?" Helena asked

"I can't wait to not see you until Christmas" Damian replied

"I don't think that's what you said" Helena stated

"No that's exactly what I said, now I need to get going I'll send Zackary up to you" Damian said standing up

"Thanks Damian" Helena replied

"For what?, I've been up here making fun of you the whole time, wouldn't want to distort my image" Damian replied

Damian went and sent Zack to his sister while he went to sit beside Jon, but Jon wouldn't let him sit beside him he pulled him down and sat him on his lap. Damian went bright red at first but after a while he got used to it and they spent the rest of the day laughing with each other.

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