New Jobs

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February 25th Wayne Tower 13:45

Damian had been conducting interviews all day, they were looking to fill two roles one of a media liaison and investigative reporter for the companies financial reports as well as to keep a good public face and the position of chairperson of the board as the current chairperson was standing down. He had one interview left and then he had to make a call because during earlier interviews someone came to mind for the position of chair.

"Miss Willis you can send the candidate in" Damian stated

"Of course Mister Wayne, this is the last one" Miss Willis replied

"No I have one more after, but that can be done over the phone so you're free to go home early if you want" Damian stated

Damian was finishing his write up on the last interview so he didn't look up as the candidate entered and sat opposite Damian.

"So this is how you ended up" the candidate said

"I would recognise that pink hair anywhere, good to see you Nakamura" Damian stated

"It's good to see you too, but I don't want our past to help me in any way" Jay said

"Oh it wouldn't if I was taking the past into account you wouldn't still be sitting there" Damian said seriously before cracking a smile

"So where do we begin?" Jay asked

"First you'll hand over your Curriculum Vitae so I can add it to the files and then I'll ask you a few questions" Damian replied

"Here you go" Jay said handing over the CV

"So why do you want the job, from this you seem to have wanted to be a normal journalistic reporter not a financial investigative reporter who also keeps face around here?" Damian asked

"Well I still do and probably will do on the side, but I wanted something that challenged me" Jay replied

"So I am to assume you don't have any experience in this field?" Damian asked

"I have about two months experience from placements" Jay replied

"How well do you work with others, you will be leading a team but as the team leader you will need to cooperate and coordinate not only with me, but the board of directors" Damian asked

"I can work well with others as long as there is open and honest communications both ways" Jay replied

"Just one last thing, if you get the job I'm going to have to ask you not to tell people we know each other because that would be embarrassing" Damian laughed jokingly

"It's good to see you can joke now" Jay laughed

"Don't tell anyone" Damian said going serious

"I won't, I won't" Jay laughed

"You can go now, I have a call to make. You'll hear either way I will call myself to let you know how it goes. Good luck Nakamura" Damian said

"Thanks Damian, see you around" Jay said leaving

"Ms Willis are you still there?" Damian asked

"Yes I am, I thought I'd wait until the interview was over. Is there something I can do?" She asked

"I've made up my mind Nakamura gets the media liaison job. There is no need for a board discussion on the matter he fits perfectly" Damian replied

"Of course, I'll put it through now" Ms Willis replied

"You can go when that's done" Damian stated

Damian leaned back in his chair and put an earpiece in and diaper a number before placing his phone on the desk and spun in the chair to face the big window overlooking the Metropolis skyline.

"Hello" the voice asked

"I have a position here if your interested?" Damian asked

"What kind of position?" Lexi asked

"Chairperson of the board of Wayne Enterprises right here in Metropolis, you'd be close to Jackson and wouldn't have to fly back to London every weekend" Damian replied

"Really, your offering me such a big job?" Lexi questioned

"I've been interviewing all day and everyone has been useless then I remembered you, and you're not completely useless, so what do you say?" Damian asked

"I'll take it, thanks Damian" Lexi replied

"I'm so glad you said yes. Now I'll let you get back to whatever you were doing and I'll put you through the system" Damian stated

"Thanks Damian" Lexi said hanging up

Damian took the earpiece out and put it on the desk, he stood up and headed out of the office and down to the board room where Lucius was standing.

"Mister Fox" Damian acknowledged

"Ahh Mister Wayne, have you got a list for me?" Lucius asked

"No I have a single name. I didn't like any other candidates, I think you'll find Alexis Luthor is what we are looking for in your replacement" Damian replied

"Ahh I see, I'll look her file over and conduct my own interview with her. Thank you Mister Wayne" Lucius stated

"I'll see you around Mister Fox" Damian said leaving the board room

Damian left the tower after grabbing his stuff and drove home to the smell of Jon cooking and Jackson laughing at the TV. Nobody heard him enter so he entered the kitchen and scared Jon

"What the hell Dami, I could have burnt myself" Jon exclaimed

"I'm sorry, I would have kissed your boo-boo better. Whatcha making?" Damian asked kissing Jon's cheek

"Jackson asked for bolognese so I decided that's what we are having for dinner" Jon replied

"You give him too much control, have you even monitored TV time?" Damian asked

"Dames you need to let the lease go a bit, you know for a fact we never followed all our parents rules, also your like the Prince of self entitlement who got what they wanted when they wanted" Jon joked

"Oh really, the Prince of self entitlement" Damian replied with a glare which gave Jon a nervous look which led to Damian laughing

"I hate you" Jon sighed

"No you love me" Damian smirked

Damian went and set the table while Jon finished cooking, they called Jackson a couple of time before he came rushing into the dining room and they sat down and ate their dinner.

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