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Metropolis General December 22nd

Jon had brought Lexi for the baby's first checkup, they had an early appointment and everything was alright the baby was fine and so was Lexi. Afterwards Jon brought her for coffee where they began talking like they used to everyday about the little things and some of the big things.

"So what did you get Damian?" Lexi asked

"It's a secret" Jon replied

"That better not be code for, I am working on it. Christmas is in three days" Lexi exclaimed

"It's not, promise you won't tell him" Jon asked

"I won't" Lexi replied

"Look" Jon said taking out a picture on his phone

"Oh my god, he's going to love it. Bruce won't but he will, are you sure though it's kind of like a big step" Lexi asked

"I'm one hundred percent sure" Jon replied confidently

"Your also going to live what he's got you" Lexi said

"You know what he got me, tell me please" Jon pleaded

"Let's just say you won't be disappointed" Lexi replied

{~Metropolis Mall~}

Damian was with Helena and Zack walking around the mall. He was upset that Jon wasn't there because he was and felt like a third wheel. But Damian had snuck off with them noticing and rejoined them once they called him forty minutes after he abandoned them.

"Where did you go?" Helena asked

"On an adventure" Damian replied

"Dude, did you get an earring?" Zack exclaimed

"First of all, do not under any circumstance ever call me dude" Damian stated

"Oh my god you did, Dad is going to kill you" Helena laughed

"No he won't, plus I needed something interesting you two are the most boring people ever" Damian stated

"Just because Jon isn't here doesn't give you the right to give out, also they asked you if you wanted to go with them and you said no" Helena replied

"Because I didn't want to intrude, that child is there's not mine" Damian exclaimed

"They should be done by now, why don't you call him" Zack said

"I will but because I want to, and not because you suggested it" Damian replied

"Your welcome" Zack said

"For what?" Damian asked walking away

Damian took his phone out and rang Jon who picked up almost immediately

"Hey Dami, what's up?" Jon asked

"I was wondering if you were done?" Damian asked

"Yeah we are, we are in Starbucks at the Mall do you want us back at the Manor?" Jon questioned

"I'm in the Mall, I'll be up there in a second" Damian replied hanging up

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