⚠️Scared you⚠️

722 18 7

October 25th Kent House 16:00

Jon was just getting in from football practice to an empty house, Lexi had gone out with Jessica and Yara while his parents had taken Jackson out for the day so he had the house all to himself for the next four or so hours and he counting down the hours for Damian's return the next day. He walked upstairs and got to his room, he took his shirt off and threw it on the ground and before he could continue any further someone jumped on him causing him to scream and throw his attack on the bed.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Damian laughed as Jon screamed

"That's not funny" Jon moaned still hyperventilating

"You're right, it's hilarious" Damian laughed harder

"You're it supposed to be here until tomorrow" Jon exclaimed

"I wanted to scare you and surprise you" Damian replied sitting up

"Consider me both, you're cruel" Jon said

"Am I, let me make it up to you" Damian said standing and planting a kiss on his cheek

"That's not going to cut it" Jon replied with a smirk

He placed both his hands on Damian's hips and pulled him in and began to kiss him

"You stink" Damian replied

"I did just get home from practice" Jon stated

"Go shower" Damian ordered

"Why would I shower only to get all sweaty again" Jon replied

"What do you mean?" Damian asked

Jon pushed Damian back on the bed and jumped on top of him and began making out with him. Damian pushed up into the kiss before wrapping his arms around Jon's neck, he then pulled out from the kiss.

"You really want this" Damian smirked

"Yes how'd you know" Jon asked jokingly

"Your poking me" Damian replied causing Jon to go red

"I don't think it's fair that I've been shirtless and your still fully dressed" Jon said ripping Damian's shirt off

Damian flipped Jon onto his back and straddled his hips, he then began to attack Jon's neck with kisses causing Jon to moan. Jon's hands travelled from his side to Damian's legs, and then up to the hem of his trousers. Damian just slapped his hands away

"Playing hard to get?" Jon questioned

"No, I'm just having my fun" Damian smirked in response

"Well your fun is infuriatingly teasing" Jon moaned as Damian kissed him

"I know" Damian replied cockily

Damian then sat up and Jon's lap and placed his hands were placed on Jon's upper chest and he slowly brought them down to his v-line before moving to his trousers and pants leaving Jon completely naked with Damian over him. Without hesitation Damian grabbed Jon's rock hard member and began bobbing up and down.

"Agghhh, fuck" Jon moaned throwing his head back

Damian then began to use his tongue swirling it around Jon's sensitive causing the boy to moan louder and thrust his hips into Damian's mouth. Jon then placed one of his hands in the back of Damian's head and held him in place. He then stopped Damian and pulled his head up.

"My turn" Jon smirked

"Mhm" Damian nodded

Jon got up and grabbed a condom from his drawer as well as the lube, Damian had taken off his clothes, Jon got back on the bed and repositioned Damian. He lived himself up as he positioned himself to enter Damian, he made sure Damian wanted to do this before starting. As he entered, Damian's face scrunched up from the initial sting while Jon found it kinda cute before beginning to thrust slowly.

"Mmmaghhh" Damian moaned as Jon sped up

"You okay" Jon asked slightly concerned but not stopping

"Yeah, just keep going" Damian exclaimed throwing his head back as Jon went deeper inside him

"Fuck your so adorable right now" Jon exclaimed between pants as he kept getting faster

Damian's toes began to curl and he latched onto the bedsheet, Jon could see he was close so while still thrusting in and out he took one of his hands and began to stroke Damian's violently twitching dick but before he came, Jon grabbed his balls causing Damian to let the loudest moan ever out as he released his load all over himself and Jon.

"Ughh fuck, your so fucking hot" Jon panted

After a few more hard and fast thrusts Jon finished and collapsed on top of Damian before rolling over and laying beside him.

"We should do that more often, it was amazeballs" Jon exclaimed

"I was considering it, and then you said amazeballs, way to ruin the mood" Damian replied

"But it was, and you know it was and can't deny it" Jon stated

"I was good, you could use some work" Damian replied smugly

"Ohh really, let's go again and I can prove you wrong for once" Jon exclaimed kissing his neck

"Or we could clean up and do something else, that your good at" Damian joked

"You're making jokes now, I don't think I've ever been prouder" Jon stated

"So me making a joke is better then the birth of your son" Damian questioned

"Maybe not, okay it's one of my proudest moments, now let's shut you up" Jon said smashing his lips into Damian's

Without breaking the kiss, Jon picked Damian up and carried him to the bathroom where they showered and cleaned off. They then got dressed and headed downstairs and began watching TV. Damian had lay down on top of Jon and was now asleep with Jon trapped not wanting to wake him. Clark and Lois were the first home and they just went about doing housework leaving Jackson in with Jon and a sleeping Damian and then Lexi arrived home.

"Ohh Damian's home and asleep, you must have really tired him out" Lexi joked

"Shh don't wake him or Jackson" Jon shushed

"Sorry, anyway Jess and Yara say hi" Lexi stated

"I haven't seen those two in a while, you should invite them tomorrow" Jon said

"Tomorrow?" Lexi questioned

"Helena is coming home from Yale for the week and Zack is throwing a welcome home party, remember" Jon said

"No she doesn't because you never told her" Damian said without moving or opening his eyes

"I'm sure I did" Jon replied

"Well you didn't" Lexi stated

"Well then Zack is having a welcome home party for Helena tomorrow if you want to come" Jon said causing Damian to laugh at him slightly

"Alright stop laughing, let's get you to bed" Jon said

"Carry me" Damian said

"I was talking to Jackson, but I could carry you" Jon replied laughing earning a hit from Damian

"I'll take Jackson, you take your other baby" Lexi joked

Jon picked Damian up, who was still trying to stay asleep. He carried him up to the bedroom and they were in the process of getting dressed when Damian yanked Jon's shirt from his hands.

"Hey" Jon exclaimed

"What, you look better without the shirt" Damian replied

"But it's cold" Jon stated

"Then I guess I'll have to cuddle you all night" Damian said

"Your an evil genius you know that" Jon stated

"I have my moments now, get into bed" Damian ordered

"Your wish is my command" Jon replied kissing him

Jon climbed into the bed beside Damian, who placed his hand on Jon's chest and began tracing his finger up and down Jon's abs, which made Jon feel all tingly from the cold touch. Damian then just wrapped his arms around Jon and lay his head in the nape of his neck as he drifted off to sleep.

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