First Day Back

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August 31st Metropolis High 8:30

All the teenagers were gathered in the assembly hall talking away with people they may not have seen since summer began or may once during the summer. While Damian did arrive with Helena he walked in and then started hidden at the side of the bleachers where no one could see him. Helena tried to coax him to sit down with her but he stood his ground, he could be stubborn when he had to be so she left.

"Okay settle down, settle down. Now welcome back to your final year with us, we will be sad to see most of you go" Dr.Medley joked

Most of the students laughed while some like Damian stayed silent.

"Now you all know your home rooms, and have your timetables. This is just a general your the oldest here you should know how to act thing, I want this to be reiterated firmly though bullying of any kind will not be tolerated, parents have been onto us and the punishment for this action could be immediate expulsion. Now onto a brighter note over the summer you all voted for the schools captain and Student Council members. Those on the council already know who they are but we left this until today, would everyone please give a round of applause to Jonathan Kent for being elected Captain, let's hope your as good in here as you are in the field" Dr.Medley stated

The gymnasium erupted with applause and cheer as Jon stood to take a bow, Damian looked at him, it was the first time he'd seen Jon in six years and he still had the childlike look on his eyes, but then he saw Lexi stand and kiss him and he looked away.

"May I remind you there are rules on PDA" Dinah the schools guidance counsellor said

Damian left the gymnasium before everyone else and headed to his first class and pulled his hood up and sat down the back and no one came near or talked to him as if he was invisible.

"Alright welcome to Maths, I'll be your teacher for the year" Nygma said

"Now for a roll call" Nygma followed

He began working his way through the list alphabetically when he got to

"Jonathan Kent" Nygma called

"Here" Jon beamed

"Alex Luthor" Nygma said

"Not here" Lexi replied

"Where is your brother Miss.Luthor" Nygma asked

"He's in Germany with our Mother and Father until Thursday" Lexi replied

"Great I don't have to deal with him until then" Damian said to himself

He went further down the list "Helena Wayne" he called

"Here" she replied

"And last but not least, what a surprise Damian Wayne" Nygma called out

You could hear the gasp in the room and then whispers like 'he's back', 'who's he again' and other things

"I'm here" Damian said quietly raising his hand

"Did you know he was coming back?" Lexi asked

"Why would I" Jon replied

"He was your best friend" Lexi stated

"He stopped talking to me six years ago and I don't know why" Jon replied staring at the boy before turning back to Lexi

"Well this year is going to be interesting" Lexi sighed

"Why?" Jon asked

"You two lovebirds can talk after class" Nygma interrupted before beginning to teach

After the class finished Damian was gone even before Helena could turn to ask how he was feeling but she was caught in conversation by someone else.

"Hey" Jon said

"Hi?" Helena questioned

"I was just wondering what's Damian's deal?" Jon asked

"What do you mean" Helena responded

"He stopped talking to me for no reason and I kind of want to know why?" Jon replied

"Well he wasn't the only one who stopped talking" Helena pointed out

"What's that supposed to mean?" Jon asked

"You could have called him, but you didn't. You also stopped talking to me and Cassie" Helena replied

"Well I kind of got busy" Jon said scratching the back of his head

"Didn't we all, if you want to know why go ask him don't ask me" Helena replied waking off

"Jon you coming?" Lexi said coming back into the room

"Yeah, yeah I am" Jon replied grabbing her hand

The school day went by and every time someone tried to talk to Damian he'd race off even from Helena. Once the school day finished Helena headed out to the pitches and went to a space under the bleachers where they all used to hang out.

"How'd I know you'd be out here?" Helena asked

"I don't know why I am" Damian replied

"Well are you ready to go home" Helena asked

"I've been ready since before we arrived here this morning" Damian spat

"Jon was asking about you" Helena stated

"And you said nothing, right" Damian said trying not to sound shocked

"I told him to talk to you because he wanted answers as to why you stopped talking to him" Helena said

"I hate you, I don't want him to know I exist if he tries to talk to me I will kill you" Damian stated


Jon and Lexi were walking hand in hand down the street out of the school. They were five minutes down the road from the school when a car pulled up beside them and the door opened and they got in.

"Hey you two" Alex said

"You're home early" Jon stated

"I know, the trip was boring you were right not to go sis" Alex said

"I always am, I am the better twin" Lexi smirked

"So anything new in school that I should know about before I go back?" Alex asked

"Well Jon here is our school captain" Lexi said leaning on him

"Congrats, we should celebrate" Alex said

"Oh also Damian Wayne is back in school" Lexi added

"Really" Alex replied grinning

"Yeah really, but he hasn't spoken to anyone. It's as if he wants to be invisible" Jon stated

"I won't let him feel that way" Alex said to himself

"What was that?" Lexi asked

"We should rest go celebrate" Alex said

They drove off to the destination of Alex's choosing and celebrated Jon's achievement. Jon and Alex never really got along, they didn't hate each other or anything it was just they had opposing personalities but they got on for Lexi's sake, they only acknowledged each other when necessary otherwise they didn't have to see each other.

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