A death in the family

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October 27th Kent House 02:45am

There wasn't a sound in the Kent house, not even Jackson was awake. Lexi, Jon and Damian had been out until late and were exhausted and collapsed onto their beds almost immediately after they got home. Damian was wrapped up in Jon's arms, but that was disturbed when a phone began ringing on Jon's bedside table. Jon and Damian both woke up but were still half asleep, Jon was closer to the phone so he had to pick it up even though it was Damian's phone.

"Hello...yes it is and yes he's beside me you do know it's almost three in the morning" Jon said groggily

"Who is it?" Damian asked sleepily

"Your mom" Jon replied

"Give it to me" Damian said sitting up

"Hello Damian, I know you don't want to talk to me so don't, just listen. You're Grandfather has just been rushed to the hospital after falling out of bed, it isn't looking good so I would appreciate it if you came down to see him, and not for me, for him" Talia said

"I'm on my way" Damian replied hanging up

"You look sad what's wrong?" Jon asked

"I need to get to the hospital now" Damian replied jumping out of the bed

"Why what happened?" Jon asked now worried

"Where are my clothes" Damian exclaimed going through the drawer

"Just put one of my hoodies on, and talk to me" Jon replied

"My Grandfather fell, and with his already weakened state it isn't looking good" Damian said holding back tears trying to keep face

"Hey, hey you can cry in front of me I won't tell, and I'm driving you" Jon said jumping up

"Kent.." Damian started

"No, I am not letting you drive in an emotional state now let's go" Jon stated

The two got dressed, Damian ended up wearing one of Jon's hoodies, he spent the whole journey staring out the window trying not to let any emotion show, but Jon could see right through his jade green eyes and he could see the pain. They arrived at the hospital and hurried in.

"I'm here to see a patient" Damian stated

"Patients name?" The receptionist asked

"Ra's Al-Ghul" Damian replied

"Relationship to the patient?" She asked

"I'm his grandson" Damian exclaimed

"And you?" She asked looking at Jon

"I'm his boyfriend" Jon replied

"Hmm, there he is. He's on the third floor room 105" the receptionist stated

The two ran to the elevator but it was taking to long so Damian ran for the stairs and Jon followed once they got up there they saw Talia outside the room, and like her son she was fighting her true emotions.

"Mother" Damian greeted

"Damian, your sister is in there right now join her. He will be happy to see you" Talia stated

"I'll wait out here" Jon said letting his hand go as Damian walked in

"He's going to need you, don't let him down or I will kill you" Talia warned

"I wouldn't dream of it Ma'am" Jon replied

"I know I've been terrible to him, I always wanted him to be perfect and that was too much to put in him. The only time I ever truly saw him happy was when he talked about you" Talia stated

"He seemed happy all the time to me, I missed all the signs" Jon replied

"That's because he can hide himself and he's an expert at it. He never invited you to our house only the Manor because he was scared that I would scare you off. I'm glad you two have worked it out" Talia said

"Don't tell him I told you, but he does miss you. He thinks there's something wrong with him because he misses you after everything that happened" Jon stated

"Mother he wants you" Athanasia said coming out

Talia and her daughter walked in, Damian was standing beside his grandfather still fighting back his tears and Jon remained outside not wanting to intrude on their family moment.

"Good, I get to see you all together before I go" Ra's stated

"Don't say things like that Grandfather, you'll be fine" Damian said

"You can't go, not yet at least" Athanasia said

"You should have stopped your experiments before making yourself ill father" Talia said rubbing her fathers shoulders

"My experiments in life extension were groundbreaking but you are right my child, I should have stopped and now I don't get to see any of you excel or grow" Ra's reply

With that they all stood around as Ra's closed his eyes and the heartbeat monitor flatlined, in that moment as Athanasia broke, a single tear fell down Talia's cheek and Damian turned and left and went to storm down the hall but Jon grabbed him pulled him into his chest as the tears came flooding out.

"Hey I'm here, and I'm not leaving you alone" Jon said squeezing him tighter

After a few minutes Talia and Athanasia walked out of the room, Damian gave in and decided to accept his Mothers invitation to go back to their house so they could be together. Jon was going to go home but Talia caught him alone.

"Jonathan, I may not have approved and I may not yet be there but I think it would be best if you stayed with us and kept an eye on my son overnight" Talia stated

"Yeah okay, I'll follow you then. Oh and ehm sorry for your loss" Jon said

"Thank you" Talia said turning for her car

"What did she want?" Damian asked trying to regain his cold composure as Jon got into the car

"She invited me to stay" Jon replied starting the engine

"She did?" Damian questioned

"Let's get going" Jon replied

He began driving following closely behind Talia, Damian remained quiet for most of the journey. Once they arrived Damian showed Jon up to his old room which had remained untouched, nothing had changed. They climbed into the bed and as soon as Jon hugged him again Damian let the floodgates open and cried himself to sleep.

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