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January 3rd 2025 12:45

Jackson had gone for a short trip with Lexi to London giving Damian and Jon some time alone. Damian had been up for a while, and Jon was still asleep or so Damian had thought until he heard creaking in the doorway behind him.

"You could have woken me" Jon stated

"I thought you needed rest after the workout I gave you last night" Damian smirked before kissing him

"So what are you doing" Jon asked

"I'm starting to look at wedding things" Damian replied

"I'll put on coffee and then we can do it together" Jon smiled

"Okay you do that, you could put a shirt on too" Damian stated

"Hey I put on pants" Jon called from the other room

"I suppose that could suffice" Damian sighed

"Plus it gives you something to look at" Jon smiled sticking his head through the door frame

Jon then came back in and placed to mugs on the table before wrapping his arms around Damian from behind the chair he was on.

"If it was up to me, I'd marry you right here right now" Damian replied

"So would I, but we should celebrate with our families" Jon stated kissing his cheek

"Sit down and help me, we need to at least pick a month" Damian stated

"Only if you kiss me" Jon replied

"I thought you had enough kissing after last night" Damian stated

"Enough kissing you, never" Jon replied

Damian kissed him and Jon sat down beside him, they began going through the pros and cons of each month and landed on July after two and a half hours of debating on it before ending on coin flip between June and July.

"At least that's settled" Jon sighed collapsing on the couch

"Now all that's left is basically the whole thing" Damian laughed lying across him

"What are we going to do now, I miss having Jackson around" Jon stated

"Well we could have a redo of last night" Damian said sitting up on him and tracing his finger along Jon's chest

"Hmm" Jon smirked kissing him

"Rrrfff" Titus growled from his bed

"Fine I'll take you for your walk now" Damian said

"What about me" Jon pouted

"You want me to walk you too?" Damian questioned

"No, what about" Jon said motioning

"Later, if you behave. You are coming with right" Damian asked

"You just want me to get dressed" Jon replied

"I wouldn't say that, I just don't want other people looking at you" Damian stated

"So you want this all to yourself, you could have just said that" Jon joked

"I'm marrying a child" Damian sighed to himself

"Hey you love me for my childlike actions" Jon stated

"Do I?" Damian asked cocking an eyebrow

The two got dressed and took Titus for his walk while walking Damian's phone rang and it was Helena, they had got home from their honeymoon a day prior and she was now inviting the two over. After the walk they dropped Titus home and drove to Helena and Zack's house.

"Hey you guys, come in" Zack said

"Hey Zack how was the honeymoon" Jon asked

"It was fantastic" Zack replied

"Where's my sister?" Damian asked

"The main room" Zack replied

Jon and Zack continued to talk while Damian headed in and sat opposite his sister

"You sounded happy on the phone, so I have an assumption, but I'll wait" Damian stated

"Zack come on in and let Jon sit down" Helena called

"Right they are here for a reason" Zack said getting giddy

"What's going on?" Jon asked

"They have something to tell us" Damian replied

"So we only found out yesterday but we couldn't not tell anyone" Zack stated

"We're expecting" Helena followed

"Hopefully the baby has our genes" Damian said hugging his sister

"Zack I'm happy for you" Jon said hugging his friend

"Damian I know that was meant to hurt but I agree, and thanks Jon" Zack stated

"Try not to ruin my fun" Damian said

"Play nice" Jon and Helena said unison

"Fine, congratulations Zackary" Damian said extending his hand

"Thank you Damian" Zack replied shaking his hand

"Well then, celebratory tea since I can't drink" Helena suggested

"Why not" Jon stated

Zack and Helena left to make the tea and Damian could hear them talking but he didn't listen too hard so when they came back in he didn't push to know like he would have normally but it was brought up naturally by them.

"So Helena and I were talking, and we were wondering wether or not you two would like to be the godparents?" Zack asked

"It would be an honour, wouldn't it Dami" Jon replied

"Yes I concur, and I would be an excellent one at that" Damian stated

"Sure you would" Helena laughed

"You must think so if your asking me to be" Damian replied

"Or I'm just crazy" Helena stated seriously before breaking into laughter

"So, the honeymoon what was it like, we may need a few pointers" Jon joked

"Well it was amazing, the resort was beautiful and you could smell the ocean from the bedroom" Helena stated

"And no children running around it was so peaceful" Zack said

"Wait would you two bring Jackson?" Helena asked

"Ehh we haven't even actually started the planning yet" Jon laughed

"The answer to that is no" Damian responded

"Why not?" Jon asked

"Because it's a honeymoon and he can spend time with Lexi" Damian replied

They got back to talking before Damian and Jon left and headed home. Damian checked on Titus since they had dropped him home and abruptly left without telling him way before heading up to join Jon in bed.

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