What happened?

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November 1st Kent House 12:45

Jon was laying in his bed staring at the ceiling listening to sad depressing love songs thinking about the night previous, Lois and Clark saw him this way and said they'd give him space knowing he would come to them if it was serious. Clark was in the dining room writing an article and Lois was in the kitchen cleaning the breakfast dishes since neither Jon or Clark seemed to know what cleaning was, she was listening to the radio dancing around the kitchen when there was a knock on the door. Lois left she was doing to answer it and she was surprised to see who was standing there.

"Damian, what a lovely surprise how long has it been?" Lois said happily

"It's been a while, is Jon here. I need to apologise for ignoring him" Damian replied nervously

"He's in his room he will be so happy to see you again Damian" Lois replied

Damian was shown into the house and it was like he and Jon never stopped being friends he followed the same path they used to take when he'd come over to hang out. He got to the bedroom door and knocked there secret knock.

"Damian?" Jon called

"Hi" Damian replied opening the door

"Your actually here, wait your not going to slap me again are you?" Jon asked

"You aren't going to kiss me again are you" Damian responded

"Not unless you want me too" Jon replied laughing nervously

"Jon!" Damian exclaimed

"Sorry I was joking, so what brings you here are you going to tell me what happened and what I did?" Jon asked

"Yes, I think I am ready to tell you" Damian stated

"Then sit, I still have the bean bag you used to fall asleep on" Jon laughed pointing at it

"You fell asleep there too, if I'm not mistaken" Damian replied

"What it was comfy" Jon replied

"So just so you know I don't directly blame you just I feel that you were the cause of this and I hope you'll understand why" Damian warned

"I hope so too" Jon said skeptically


Damian was walking through the empty halls of the school with a note and a red chrysanthemum along with a white carnation, which symbolise love and pure love. He was walking towards Jon's locker when he yanked by his shoulder to the side.

"You've lost your touch Wayne what happened?" Alex asked

"Leave me alone Luthor I'll deal with your incompetence another time" Damian sighed

"What have you got there?" Alex asked yanking the not and handing to Theo

"Aww look, Dear Jon you are the light in my life and the flame in my heart, love Dami" Theo read out

"It looks like Dami here has a crush on Jon" Lonnie laughed

"Aww that's so pathetic" Klarion laughed along

"You really think Jon will like you back, your a freak, a bastard not even your Mother lover you she left you all alone" Alex mocked throwing the note and flowers in the bin

"Fuck you" Damian spat fighting back tears

"Ohh look the King of the School is fighting back, it's time to dethrone him" Alex said going to punch him but Damian dodged

Damian ran in the opposite direction, and headed straight to bathroom. He was about to lock the stall door when Lonnie kicked it causing it smash Damian in the face and he fell backwards.

"There's someone in the other stall" Lonnie stated

"Leave them, we want this fag" Alex said dragging Damian out by the ankle

The group began laughing as they kicked and punched Damian who was lying on the ground trying his best not to cry. Bruises began to form across his face and body, he was bleeding from his nose and mouth and he was pretty sure he was bleeding elsewhere as well. He felt himself losing consciousness as the bell rang and the group ran out. He then saw a figure through the blood in his eyes.

"It's going to be fine, I'll get the nurse" the figure said as Damian blacked out

He later woke in the nurses office with Selina sitting across from him with Dick.

"Hey there, what happened?" Dick asked

"Nothing, I fell" Damian replied trying to sit up

"You fell?" Selina questioned with a tone

"Yeah I did can we go now" Damian replied


"I am so sorry Damian" Jon said in shock

"That's why I blamed you, because I was going to tell you how I felt, I was going to come out to you first, not my family you and then that happened" Damian exclaimed

"And then I went on holidays the day after and we never spoke again" Jon sighed

"Yeah, so I guess I owe you an apology, and I thought you still deserved to get this" Damian said handing him a piece of paper

"Wait this is the note you mentioned" Jon stated

"I got Helena to grab it from the bin" Damian replied

"Thank you for speaking to me again, I've missed my best friend" Jon said

"Now I have to go" Damian replied

"But you just got here and we need to talk about stuff and catch up" Jon said

"Jon what stuff? You kissing me, that can't happen I'm with Colin and your with Lexi" Damian stated

"We don't have to be" Jon said standing in front of him

"Jonathan don't make this harder then it has to be, we're friends and that's it" Damian said

"Do you still have feelings for me?" Jon asked

"What no" Damian replied

"Look me in the eyes and tell me" Jon said

"N..no" Damian stuttered looking into his eyes

"Are you sure" Jon asked getting lost in Damian's jade green eyes

"No I'm not" Damian said

Damian got on his tippy toes and leaned in kissing Jon, Jon placed his hands on Damian's hips and they began to kiss more intensely until Jon's phone began to ring. He picked up cause it was Lexi and when he turned back towards Damian he was gone. Damian didn't even say bye to Lois or Clark he just left the house and headed home leaving Jon confused and on the phone to with his Girlfriend.

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