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November 29th Wayne Manor 10:30am

Damian was fast asleep but was woken when he heard a door closing he shot up to see Jon leaving the on-suite with just a towel around his waist. Jon looked over at Damian who was now blushing and covering his eyes and trying to look out the window.

"What do you not like what you see?" Jon teased

"Ehh...uhh No, I mean yes no I mean..." Damian began panicking

"Hey calm down Dami, I'm just teasing" Jon said sitting beside him

"Can you put some clothes on" Damian asked

"Yeah I will, after you kiss me" Jon said

"Jon" Damian exclaimed

"Come on, give me a kiss and I'll get dressed" Jon stated

"Fine" Damian sighed

He sat up and kissed Jon, Jon then began to push Damian back onto the bed and had his hands pinned to the bed

"Ehh, what are you doing" Damian asked

"Having some fun with my boyfriend" Jon replied

"I will knee you in the balls if you don't get off of me" Damian replied

"Okay fine" Jon said getting up

"Thank you, now clothes" Damian ordered

"Do you really not like this masterpiece" Jon said gesturing at himself

"Your alright I guess" Damian said

"Alright?" Jon replied defensively

"Yeah, but that's when compared to me" Damian replied proudly

"I don't disagree" Jon replied kissing him

"You would be an idiot if you did" Damian laughed

"How's your face after yesterday" Jon asked putting on a shirt

"It stings but it's fine" Damian replied

"Want me to kiss it better" Jon asked

"After you put pants on" Damian replied

"Anything for you" Jon stated before getting dressed

"That's the right attitude" Damian replied

"So I have practice later on, do you want to do something afterwards" Jon asked

"You mean actually do something, instead of you pretending to have pulled a muscle so I have to take care of you and then you magically get better" Damian replied

"I never pretended you just have the magic touch, but yes actually do something" Jon replied

"I'll think about it" Damian stated

"You'll think about it?" Jon replied

"First I need to wait and see if you pull another muscle and we have to cancel" Damian said getting out of the bed

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