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August 28th Metropolis High 13:45

It was the final play of the game and they were five points down, in their last match before going back to school and starting the new season. Jon had passed the ball to Gar who passed it on to Jaime then Bart before getting back to Jon who jumped over tackling players as the crowd cheered and the opposition jeered. He was tackled from behind but it was a bad move for the other player Jon landed in the end zone scoring a touchdown and winning the match by one point. He was hoisted up by his teammates as they all cheered and the cheerleaders did their routine as they were presented with the trophy.

"There's a reason your the captain" Alexis said kissing him

"What is that reason Lexi" Jon asked kissing back

"Your amazing" she replied

"She's not wrong, your the best we have" Colin stated

"Come on Kent, we have a party to get to" Bart said hitting his shoulder

"I wouldn't miss it" Jon laughed

"Go have fun I'll see you later" Lexi stated

"Wait your not coming?" Jon questioned

"No my Dad wants me for some boring thing, but I'll see you later for your post match workout" Lexi whispered the last part in his ear smirking causing him to gulp

"Definitely but I can't let you go yet" Jon said taking her wrist

"Why not?" She questioned

"Goodbye kiss" Jon said

She wrapped her arms around his neck and jumped up on him as they made out in the middle of the field.

"I'll see you later" Jon said

"All of me" she winked walking off

"Ohh someone's getting lucky tonight" Gar cheered

"There's the reason Rachel won't talk to you" Jon replied

"Wait what, you know why she ignores me" Gar asked

"Everyone does" Billy added

"Your an animal dude" Jaime laughed

"Hey that's enough lady talk we need to get going, or the party will start without us" Bart cheered

"Is your back okay dude? That was a rough tackle" Billy asked

"I'm fine, I'm built different" Jon joked

"Right your nickname 'The Boy of Steel', I never understood that" Billy replied

"I always thought it was in relation to something else and not your strength" Gar said causing Jon to go red in embarrassment

"Oh my god she calls you that doesn't she" Jaime laughed

"Everyone shut up, we have a party to get to" Jon said changing the subject

Meanwhile the Cheerleaders were walking off on the other side of the pitch.

"I bet Zack is raging he couldn't play" Cassie said

"He is, and he blames you" Helena replied

"Why me?" Cassie asked

"You pushed him down that slide" Helena replied

"I nudged, it's not my fault he fell wrong and broken his wrist" Cassie defended

"Mhm" Helena hummed

"Well at least he has all that energy for other things" Cassie said suggestively

"Stop" Helena said

"Fine, I'll stop. You tell me nothing anymore what am I supposed to do" Cassie said

"Hey you two" Lexi said joining them

"Hey, are you going to the after party?" Helena asked

"I can't, I have a thing" Lexi replied

"Jon will miss you being there" Cassie said

"I'll make it up to him" Lexi replied

"Well enjoy your thing, and we will stop them from getting overly drunk" Helena said

"Are you could loosen up and have some fun" Lexi stated

"Yeah Helena, your always so stuck up" Cassie said

"I'll see you two later" Lexi said getting into her Dads black limo

"She's so nice, but I hate her" Helena said

"You hate her family, speaking of which how is he, you haven't talked about him in a while" Cassie asked

"He's fine-ish" Helena replied

"Ish?" Cassie questioned

"He's coming back to school" Helena answered

"It's going to be so good to see him again" Cassie exclaimed

"He doesn't think so, I told him I'd look out for him but he doesn't seem to think I can" Helena said

"We should tell Jon, we could get the gang back together" Cassie said

"He doesn't want Jon to know, he thinks Jon forgot about him and he wants to keep it that way" Helena replied

"That sucks, well that's enough talk we need to get back to my place and get ready" Cassie said grabbing her arm as they ran off


Damian had been dragged out of the house by Dick and had no idea where they are going. Dick tried talking to him but Damian just sat in the passenger looking out the window. His face did kind of light up once he saw where they were, while he was eighteen he always loved the zoo and felt happy and comfortable around animals.

"Come on let's go" Dick said

Damian just nodded and went off with Dick, while Dick was trying to make Damian regain his confidence Helena was at the after party being thrown in an abandoned House in the middle of the Metropolis woods.

"This is a mess" Helena sighed

"Wha...whaaat do yoouu meaan" Cassie asked leaning against her

"That's enough for you" Helena said taking the drink from her hand

"Aww I love you, always looooking out foor meee" Cassie said hugging her

"Your coming back to the Manor with me, your Mom would kill you" Helena said helping her up

"Where.*hiccup*..are you two going" Gar asked

"I need to get her home" Helena said

"I shhoould probably get gooin asshwell" Jon stumbled

"Don't be ridiculousssh, thissh party is great" Billy exclaimed

"But..he has a girl waiting" Gar smirked

Jon left with Cassie and Helena, the two of them in the back while Helena drove. She dropped Jon off at the Luthor House and watched as he stumbled in and Lexi guided him waving at Helena and Cassie from the door. As she drove off there was a pang in her heart as she remembered how it used to be, remembering how Cassie, Jon, Damian and herself used to hang around and have fun, but those memories have become tainted over time and the group split up.

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