Family Day

316 13 1

Wayne Tower Metropolis Sep. 28th

Damian was in the newly built Wayne Tower in Metropolis which served as his base of operations, while Helena worked out of the Tower in Gotham. He had made the Tower state of the art and it had only been operational for the last month and a half but Damian considered it to have already been much more of a success than the old one.

"Mister Wayne, your sister is on line three" Ms.Willis his secretary stated

"Thank you, Helena what is it I am busy?" Damian asked switching to Helena's line

"I was just wondering, do you have the numbers for our profits in Europe. They don't seem to be on file here" Helena asked

"How can you loose something like that, I'll check here and send them on via email. Is there anything else you want?" Damian asked

"Yeah you are coming later right?" Helena asked

"What's later" Damian questioned

"My engagement party, the family is going out you were the first person I said it too" Helena exclaimed

"Yes I am, I was messing with you sister, and I wouldn't miss messing with Zachary's head for an evening" Damian replied

"You also promised to behave" Helena pointed out

"I know I did, now if I'm not mistaken we are both supposed to be working" Damian replied

"Yeah, yeah I'll see you later" Helena said hanging up

"Ms.Willis when you get a chance will you look for our Europe Profit reports and have them emailed to my sister and when my twelve o'clock arrives send them straight up" Damian ordered

"Yes of course Mr.Wayne" she replied

"Thank you" Damian replied hanging up

Damian spun around in his chair so he'd be facing the window, he stood up and walked onto the balcony. He had the tower built right across from the LexCorp one, and had it built taller so it would cast a shadow over it and if he squinted hard enough he could see Alex Luthor's office. A few minutes later he heard a knock and he sat down before allowing his guests enter.

"Mister Wayne thank you for seeing me, oh and this is my assistant..." Silas began

"Jonathan Kent yes I know, we live together" Damian replied

"Hey Dames" Jon stated

"Now let's get down to business I believe we are all very busy people with work to do. Take a seat, or stand which ever you prefer" Damian said

"So I, I mean we at S.T.A.R labs believe we have found a way to create a clean renewable energy source with minimal amounts of non lethal or harmful radiation and want WayneTech's backing in making it a reality" Silas stated

"Yes I have read the reports and looked over your test results, but these are all minor results it hasn't been tested or pushed fully until now. If you would follow me" Damian said standing

"Where are we going?" Jon asked

"The basement" Damian replied as they entered an elevator outside the office

They took the elevator down to sub level ten from the 200th floor, it was a high speed elevator so it took no time at all and they followed Damian.

"May I introduce the Goliath, it powers this tower and the surrounding two blocks either direction bar LexCorp tower. I had the Research and Development team build it based off your findings so I would have something to show you, I am committed to our partnership" Damian said

"It's magnificent, may I see the Mother Cube, we couldn't find a cost effective way to keep it cool" Silas asked

"Drake bring the prototype out" Damian ordered

"Do you not work in Gotham?" Jon asked

"I've been helping with this" Tim replied

After finishing up with Silas, Damian and Jon headed home to get changed, they didn't have to worry about Jackson as Lexi was home from London and had him for the weekend before returning on Monday. They left the house and headed to the restaurant.

"Hey you two" Helena exclaimed

"Sister" Damian greeted

"Come on, your never late but your the last one here" Helena hurried

"I told you that you should have followed my directions" Damian stated

"You can drive home then" Jon replied

They entered the main seating area and sat with the rest of the family who were already seated. They took their seats and began talking away until the food was ordered and had arrived when Bruce quietened down the table.

"Before we start eating I would like to make a toast, I know all of my children will hate the fact I am doing this, but Helena I want you and Zack to know just how proud I am of both of you. I want nothing but the best for you and I know from watching you grow together that your love is a pure love that will stand the rest of time, to Zack and Helena" Bruce exclaimed

"I feel like I have to make one now, son Zee and I are so delighted for you and Helena we apologise in advance for what you will have to put up with" John began with Zatanna giving him a look

"Fine, fine I'll keep on track. Zack and Helena I know some people don't believe in magic, but love is a form of magic it doesn't follow any rules and can have unknown outcomes but as Bruce said, you're is a pure love and that will only ever have a good outcome" Constantine finished

"To Zack and Helena" Zatanna said

They then began to eat their food and share stories throughout, afterwards Zack, Helena, Damian and Jon went out just the four of them to celebrate before all returning home.

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