The Question

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November 10th Wayne Tower 18:35

Damian was sitting at his desk signing off on papers, he was so in the zone he hadn't heard his phone ringing over the last ten minutes but his attention was grabbed when his office doors swung open.

"ABI!!" Jackson exclaimed running in

"Jackson?" Damian questioned

"Sorry Mister Wayne I've tried calling" Ms.Willis stated

"I assume his father is here too" Damian replied picking Jackson up

"Hey Dami" Jon said

"I'll see you later Mister Wayne" Ms.Willis said closing the door

"What brings my favourite boy and you along Beloved" Damian asked

"Wait I'm not your favourite" Jon asked

"I said boy, your supposed to be a man" Damian replied

"I wanted to see you" Jackson replied

"Well I'm happy you came, you just rescued me from a lot of paper work" Damian stated

"Yay I saved you" Jackson exclaimed

"Yes you did my little hero" Damian replied

"Well are you ready to go, we have dinner plans remember?" Jon asked

"Yes, yes I am just grab my briefcase" Damian ordered

"Anything for you" Jon stated

Jon grabbed Damian's briefcase and they all left the office taking Damian's personal elevator to the parking level where they got into Damian's car and he started the engine and began driving. He pulled up outside the restaurant, parked and entered and they were shown to their seats.

"What's with the fancy locale?" Damian asked

"Can I not treat you the way you treat me sometimes?" Jon replied

"You can, it's just surprising. But thank you" Damian stated holding his hand

"You're welcome, Jackson have you picked what you wanted yet?" Jon asked

"Yeah I want the nuggets and fries" Jackson exclaimed

"Sounds delicious, I wish they were on my menu" Jon replied

"Are you sure you don't want a salad or something?" Damian asked jokingly

"Eww no" Jackson replied

"Suit yourself" Damian laughed

The waiter came over moments later and they ordered their food and drinks. They sat and ate before their plates were taken away and they ordered dessert and it was brought to the table.

"Daddy ask him" Jackson whispered a bit too loudly

"Ask me what?" Damian asked

"Nothing" Jackson covered up

"When it comes to lying you are like your Father, you can't" Damian stated

"It's nothing" Jon said looking kind of weird

"Hmm" Damian sighed

Jon just looked over at Jackson and Damian noticed Jackson mouthing I'm sorry at Jon. But he ignored it, he got up and headed to the toilet.

"I'm sorry" Jackson said

"Don't be your just excited, but I told you were a going to go for a walk after dinner and then it would happen" Jon stated

"Okay" Jackson replied

"Shh he's coming back" Jon said

"Are you two keeping secrets from me now?" Damian asked

"No" Jon replied

"Hmm" Damian hummed

After they finished and paid they left the building, but instead of heading to the car they headed towards Centennial Park where they just walked. Damian was walking beside Jon who was holding Jackson's hand but after they got to the fountain he noticed they weren't with him anymore and he turned to see Jon on one knee.

"Damian Wayne, will you do me the honour and make me the happiest man alive by marrying me" Jon asked

"Please say yes" Jackson pleaded

"Yes, yes of course a million times yes" Damian replied getting down beside him and kissing him

"YAY!!!!" Jackson exclaimed joining the hug

"So you were keeping a secret from me" Damian laughed

"Before I answer let's put the ring on before you back out" Jon stated

"I can back out?" Damian asked

"No, no you can't you said yes" Jackson defended

"Fine I guess I'm stuck, but only for you" Damian said ruffling Jackson's head

"What about me?" Jon asked

"I guess you too" Damian replied kissing him again

They got up and Damian slid the ring on his finger, they headed back towards the restaurant and car and drove home. Jon locked up while Damian put Jackson to bed before reconvening with Jon in their room.

"Just so you know I'm not becoming a Kent" Damian stated

"Why not?" Jon asked

"Because Damian Kent doesn't sound right" Damian replied

"How about Wayne-Kent" Jon stated

"I'll consider it, now get into the bed beside me" Damian ordered

"As you wish my beautiful fiancé" Jon said jumping on him

"That's going to take some getting used to" Damian replied

"Hopefully you don't get too used to it, I do plan on make you my beautiful husband soon enough" Jon stated

"Are you trying to make me fall even more in love with you" Damian asked

"Maybe" Jon replied

"Kiss me already you fool" Damian stated

"If you insist" Jon replied leaving in and kissing him

The two made out as if they were teenagers again for a while before going to bed. Jon wrapped Damian up in his arms and fell asleep with a big goofy grin on his face while Damian fell asleep with the beginnings of a smile on his face which Jon took to be a full fledged smile in the case of it being Damian.

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