First Day

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University of California September 18th

Damian was entering his dorms which he already hated because they smelt and the he just hated the fact he would have to be sharing a room with someone who wasn't Jon. He arrived two days earlier as there was tours and an information weekend for first years going on over the weekend. He was shown down the hall by a peer mentor to his room before being left alone, he opened the door to reveal what he would see as medium sized room, there was a kitchen space, a small living space a door to what he assumed to be a bathroom and two doors for bedrooms on either side. Once he closed the front door one of the bedroom doors opened and a teen with pink hair walked out.

"Hi roomie, I'm Jay" Jay said offering his hand

"And I am much too tired to care" Damian said ignoring his hand and heading to his room

"That's alright I already know who you are" Jay said defeated

"That's nice" Damian said closing his door before collapsing on his bed

Columbia University at the same time

Jon had gotten in on a football scholarship so he was asked to come to tryouts he turned up and was given a uniform and got changed when walking out of the locker room he was tackled to the ground.

"Hey Cap" Billy said

"Did you have to tackle me?" Jon asked jumping up

"Yes, I only wish the others had seen it" Billy laughed

"Very funny, I didn't know you got in" Jon said

"Well I did, and I'm not the only one from the old team" Billy exclaimed

"Who else?" Jon asked

"Hey Cap" a voice said from behind

"Colin?" Jon questioned turning

"So you do remember me, but you didn't call or text once" Colin replied laughing

"Yeah sorry" Jon laughed nervously

"I'm just messing with ya, where's the others go?" Colin asked

"Well Gar followed Rachel to Oxford he's doing some sort of Zoology thingy and Jaime, Wally and Bart took a year out to go on a road trip" Billy replied

"Hey baby" a girl said running up and kissing Colin's cheek

"Oooh who's this" Billy teased

"Guys meet Maya, I met her after I moved. Maya this is Jon and Billy we used to play together" Colin introduced

"Pleasure to meet you" Jon said

Jon's phone started ringing and it was Damian but he put the phone back in his pocket

"Who was that?" Colin asked

"No one" Jon replied

"Was it Lexi, or did I miss something?" Colin asked

"It wasn't her and we broke up" Jon said

"But I saw a baby on her Instagram, you should post more" Colin replied

"Yeah we broke up" Jon stated

"Why?" Colin asked

"The connection wasn't there anymore, now let's get to practice" Jon said as his phone began buzzing again but he ignored it

As they walked Billy answered his phone

"It's for you" Billy said

"Hello?" Jon said

"What the hell is wrong with you, why the hell are you not picking up. I literally just got here and I am surrounded by annoying people" Damian exclaimed

"That's because something came up" Jon replied

"Who's that?" Colin asked

"Is that COLIN! What the hell is he doing to ere why didn't you say he was there or text me, can he hear me JONATHAN SAY SOMETHING" Damian exclaimed

"When you shout yes, everyone can hear. And I didn't tell you because I didn't have a chance" Jon replied

"Can I have my phone back" Billy asked

"Well call me when you can, my roommate is trying to talk to me through the door" Damian replied

"Okay play nice and I will call" Jon said hanging up

"So who was that, and why were they shouting?" Maya asked

"That was Jon's boyfriend he can be temperamental" Billy joked

"So I did miss something" Colin stated

"You missed quiet a bit" Cassie said coming out of nowhere

"Hey Cassie" Colin said

"Why are you here?" Jon asked

"Well Damian is gone to the other side of the country, Helena is gone to Yale and your the only one left" Cassie replied

"Damian is gone, I was hoping to make amends" Colin said

"He'll be back on weekends" Cassie replied

"Well I guess I'll see him then" Colin stated

"Yeah I guess so" Jon said

Meanwhile back in California

Damian emerged from his room to find Jay sitting in the couch, he ignored him and headed straight to the kitchen to get something to drink.

"So Damian Wayne, people said you were detached and didn't care I never thought you'd be like this" Jay stated

"I can be colder" Damian replied

"So who were you shouting at?" Jay asked

"That's none of your business" Damian replied

"If your going to be shouting a lot, I'll want to know why" Jay said

"I was yelling at my boyfriend, are you happy" Damian said

"Ohh Jon, what are Lois and Clark like?" Jay asked

"You want to know about Lois and Clark?" Damian questioned

"Yeah, they're well Lois more so are like my heroes. I want to go into reporting" Jay replied

"They're fine I guess and how the hell do you know Jon's my boyfriend I think we have kept it pretty well hidden" Damian exclaimed

"Ehh I figured it out, I lived in Metropolis after I moved there and I did an essay last year on old families and there money and I did it on the Luthors, Waynes and Cobblepots. Which led me to find out about you two" Jay replied

"You're a fucking stalker, I'm going to my room" Damian exclaimed

"Wait don't, I didn't want to sound creepy" Jay replied

"Well you did" Damian stated

Jay convinced Damian to sit down and talk with him, Damian began to see he wasn't so bad but he still didn't want to come off as friendly so he kept his cold and calm demeanour before heading to his room and talking and giving out to Jon about how he hated the place and how Jon should have told him about Colin being right there beside him.

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