⚠️Christmas Gift⚠️

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The Kent House December 24th 21:25

Jon was waiting for Damian to arrive, he decided to give Damian his gift early since it was going to be hard to keep it hidden with him staying over. He was just sitting in the front room scrolling through his phone.

"Okay sport, I'm going to bed don't stay up to late Santa is watching and turn the alarm on when coming up" Clark said

"Yeah, goodnight Dad" Jon replied

Jon then messaged Damian to say his parents went to bed because Damian had asked if they had, next there was a knock on the door and Jon went to open it.

"Merry Christmas beloved" Damian said wearing the skirt

"I...your..." Jon gulped

"You said you wanted to see me in the skirt" Damian teased

"Mhm" Jon nodded

"Say something" Damian replied

"Your hot" Jon said

"It's kind of cold out here, can I come in" Damian asked

"Yeah, yeah of course. I need to give you your gift since your here and it will be hard to hide, but he's asleep" Jon replied

"He's asleep?" Damian questioned

"Yeah this way" Jon said taking his hand

They walked to the back room where Jon opened the door and Damian could see a sleeping puppy on a dog bed in the middle of the room. He turned to Jon and kissed him as Jon closed the door.

"You like it?" Jon asked

"Yes, yes I do. Does he or she have a name" Damian questioned

"No he doesn't, he was literally born a month ago so I thought you could" Jon replied

"Titus" Damian stated

"But he's tiny" Jon replied

"He's a Great Dane right, he won't be tiny forever" Damian stated

"I should have done more research then" Jon said

"I'm going upstairs, I'll see you in a bit" Damian said kissing his cheek

Jon went and turned off the lights and then turned on the alarm and ran upstairs to find Damian sitting on the bed.

"Your such a fucking tease" Jon stated

"I'm not teasing tonight" Damian smirked

"Your not" Jon questioned

"I will be, if you don't get over here" Damian said biting his lip

Jon shut his door and took off his shirt and threw it on the ground as he approached Damian and smashed his lips into Damian's. Damian wrapped his arms around Jon's neck as he was pushed back on to the bed.

"You really don't know how sexy you are to me right now" Jon stated

"Your not so bad yourself, you should walk around shirtless more often" Damian replied tracing a finger up and down Jon's chest

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