The game

320 16 4

University of Columbia September 26th

Damian had just arrived with Cassie, Lois and Clark and they were heading to their seats. Damian was carrying Jackson because every time he was put in the buggy he'd start crying. After they sat down a girl approached them and Cassie got up to say hello before introducing her.

"Lois, Clark and Damian this is Maya, Maya this is Lois, Clark and Damian" Cassie introduced

"Hi" Lois and Clark said in unison while Damian ignored the introduction

Next they heard the music and the teams began running into the centre of the pitch, before the game started Jon looked up to Damian and gave him a wink before the whistle blew signalling the start. Damian spent more time playing with Jackson then watching the game occasionally cheering to make it look like he was paying attention but he did see Jon score the winning point.

They all went and waited outside the pitches for Jon and the others to come out, Lois and Clark planned on staying but had to go into work so they told Damian to tell Jon they'd see him later. The first out was Billy who headed straight over to them then the inevitable Jon and Colin walked over to them Damian payed no attention to the red head who went straight to Maya.

"Well played beloved, look Jackson your Daddy won the match" Damian said kissing Jon's cheek

"I couldn't have done it without my lucky charm" Jon said kissing Damian on the lips

"Hey Dames" Colin said

"Dami, play nice" Jon whispered

"Wilkes, the name is Damian, not Dames" Damian replied

"Not what I meant" Jon sighed

"Let's not fight and go get a celebratory meal" Cassie exclaimed

"Sounds great" Billy replied

"Will you two kiss already, we all already know your dating" Damian said looking at the two

"How?" Cassie and Billy questioned

"Helena" Damian replied

"I'm going to kill her" Cassie stated

"Let's go" Jon said dragging Damian to the car

Cassie and Billy got in the back with Jackson in between them and Colin and Maya followed in his car.

"Damian can you try be a normal person for once" Jon asked

"What does that mean, am I not normal" Damian questioned

"Okay poor choice of words on my part" Jon replied

"Damian he just means can you try not chop Colin's head off" Cassie stated

"What happened between you two anyway" Billy asked

"Don't want to talk about it" Damian replied looking out his window

They arrived at the diner and got out, they all took their seats the meal went by just fine, when they finished eating Jon, Damian and Jackson had to rush off to get Damian to the jet so he could get back to California for college the next day.

"Okay why didn't you give out about Colin until we were with him earlier" Jon asked driving

"I don't know" Damian replied

"What's the big deal anyway, me and Lexi live in the same house, and we don't get at each other's throats" Jon stated

"You and Lexi were mutual, he while yes we were on hiatus and not officially over, he went and cheated on me Jonathan, and didn't even tell me until I called him three weeks after he started seeing her, and I get home two days a week to spend time with you and I don't mind sharing you with Jackson, but I don't want to see him" Damian exclaimed

"I'm sorry Dami" Jon replied

"It doesn't matter, just don't make me hang out with him in a small group again" Damian stated

"Okay I won't, and I promise next weekend I am all yours, no football or anything, just me you and anything you want to do" Jon said

"That sounds nice, sorry for being difficult" Damian said

"Don't be, I like the challenge" Jon said pulling up

"See you next week" Damian said kissing him

"Bye babe" Jon replied

"Jackson keep him out of trouble, your in charge until I get back" Damian said reaching back and shaking his foot causing him to giggle

Jon waited until Damian was on the plane before driving off, he drove straight home and brought Jackson inside.

"I think someone needs a diaper change" Jon stated

"Jon we're home" Lois called from downstairs

"I'm upstairs changing Jackson, I'll be down in a sec" Jon replied

"Agghhaaaa" Jackson babbled

"All done, let's get you down to Pops and Nona" Jon said picking the baby up

"Hey Jonno, great game today" Clark said

"Yeah, really well played" Lois agreed

"Thanks" Jon replied

"Is Damian gone already?" Lois asked

"Yeah, I dropped him off at the airfield after the diner" Jon replied

"Since you've eaten, I presume you don't want any of the pizza we are getting" Clark said

"Dad have you met me, I'm always hungry" Jon replied

"We know" Clark laughed

They ordered the food and ate before Jon and Damian talked on the phone for around two hours while Jon tried to put Jackson to sleep. Lexi arrived home late and checked to make sure Jackson was fine before going to bed herself and as soon as Jon's head hit the pillow after talking with Damian he was out for the count.

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