Due Date

430 19 2

June 19th Metropolis General 05:45am

Damian was sitting in the waiting room doodling away in his art journal with Selina and Bruce either side of him, making him feel like he was kid being forced to see a doctor. When in actual fact they were there because Lexi had gone into labour and Jon was with her, Clark and Lois showed up around the same time as Lex, Alexandra and Alex. When Damian saw them arrive he just rolled his eyes and ignored the fact they were there.

"How long has it been?" Lois asked

"A while" Bruce replied

"Thirty two minutes and sixteen seconds to be exact" Damian said looking at his watch

"It's going to be a long day" Lex taking a seat

"Well we better be off" Selina said

"Why?" Clark asked

"She's just staying with us your the families, plus the nurse said we should leave when the families arrive" Bruce replied

"Thanks Bruce" Lex said standing and shaking his hand

"I'm staying" Damian said

"Why?" Alex asked

"For Jon" Damian sniped

Bruce and Selina left, Damian continued drawing the Luthors and Kent's had it out over kicking Lexi out before talking about how this situation was going to work. Lois tried to include Damian in the conversation as he had a knack for problem solving and he was Jon's boyfriend but he wasn't too interested. Hours passed and there was still no sign of Jon or a Doctor, they began sleeping in shifts, until around thirteen hours since Lexi had been brought in Jon came running into the room.

"It's a boy" he exclaimed

His parents and the Luthors all got up and cheered while Alex and Damian remained seated occasionally side eyeing each other. They were all taken aback by the Luthors enthusiasm for this new baby after they kicked Lexi out of the house but no one wanted to start a fight by saying something. Jon walked over to Damian and grabbed his hand.

"Hmm?" Damian hummed not paying attention

"Come on, I want you to meet him" Jon replied

Jon dragged Damian off the chair and they all walked down to the room where Lexi was sitting and you could here Lois and Alexandra gasp and Clark begin to tear up.

"What's his name?" Damian and Alex asked simultaneously before glaring at each other as if the other had done something horrible in that moment

"It took ages to decide" Lexi said

"Because you wouldn't use any of my suggestions" Jon replied

"Anyway, his name is Jackson Leo Kent" Lexi stated cooing at the child

"Kent? What about Luthor?" Alex questioned

"You all kicked me out and expected this child to be called Luthor, plus Jon is the father" Lexi stated

"He's adorable" Alexandra said

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