Getting Ready

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July 20th Metropolis Mall 12:45

Damian was out with Helena and Dick so Jon had taken the opportunity to go out with Jackson to get Damian one last gift before they got married on the twenty fifth. He had stopped for Ice Cream first to stop Jackson for moaning for Ice Cream as they walked around.

"So what do you think I should get Damian?" Jon asked

"Something nice" Jackson replied completely infatuated with his ice cream

"So your just as useful as me when it comes to gift getting" Jon laughed

"I'm not useless I just don't know" Jackson pouted

"Fine I'm useless and you don't know" Jon said still half laughing

"You're silly Daddy" Jackson stated

"Don't I know it" Jon replied

They continued walking for a while before they ended up outside a gift store. They walked in and Jon found something it was 'story of us' picture frame which could be personalised, he got it and talked the clerk through the personalisation and he was told it would take an hour or two and he'd have to come back so he and Jackson left.

"What do you wanna do now sport?" Jon asked

"Anything?" Jackson asked

"Within reason" Jon replied

"Can we go bowling?" Jackson asked

"Sure why not" Jon replied

The two walked to the bowling alley in the mall and Jon booked them in and they began playing. Jon helped Jackson with his bowls and Jackson ended up beating Jon by thirty points and Jon wasn't even trying to let him win.

"Again, again" Jackson exclaimed

"Maybe we'll come back another day, right now we have to go collect Damian's gift" Jon said after getting a text

"Aww" Jackson sighed

"Maybe we will come back with Damian and Mommy and have an even better game" Jon reassured

"Okay, can I have more Ice Cream?" Jackson asked

"I'll think about it, now come on" Jon replied grabbing his hand

While Jon and Jackson headed back to the gift store Damian was sitting in a café with Helena as they had been out because Damian wouldn't allow her to throw any type of party or get to together for him.

"I still can't believe your not having an actual ceremony" Helena stated

"It's just not what I wanted and Jon agreed" Damian replied

"He would agree to anything you say" Helena stated

"I don't like what your insinuating" Damian glared

"I'm not insinuating anything, I was just saying" Helena smirked

"Tt" Damian clicked his tongue

"Hey look who's finally here" Helena sighed

"Sorry I'm late" Athanasia stated

"Well you're here now so let's get going" Helena stated

"Going where?" Damian asked

"You'll see" Athanasia replied

"If you two planned something I will destroy you both" Damian stated

"We know, we know" Helena laughed in response

They got up and started walking through downtown Gotham, which they didn't much like doing but it had gotten better in recent years. They came to a parked limo and got in and Alfred was in the front.

"You planned something" Damian sighed

"No they didn't Master Damian, they helped. Your Fiancé was the planner" Alfred stated

"So you can't kill us" Helena smirked

Alfred began driving to a restaurant on the other end of they city. When they entered the establishment they were shown to their seats where Bruce, Selina, Clark and Lois were already sitting along with Talia.

"I thought you'd want to keep it low-key" Jon said coming behind him with Jackson

"If I didn't love you so much I'd be calling off the wedding after telling you not to plan anything" Damian whispered to him

"Then I'm glad you love me soo much" Jon stated

"Let's take our seats" Damian stated

"So are you two excited, the big day is almost here" Bruce asked

"Yeah we are" Jon replied

"I'll just be happy to get it done with, I hate all the attention" Damian stated

"You are an enigma Dames, you both hate and love the attention" Helena stated

"What can I say I'm unique" Damian replied

"That is the truth" Talia stated

They were interrupted by a waiter and ordered their food, after they ate Damian went outside with Talia to talk in private.

"You called and wanted to talk, what do you want to ask?" Talia asked cutting the silence

"I just wanted to make it known how appreciative I am of your part in making our relationship work again, because I feel I haven't given you enough credit over the last few years" Damian replied

"No need, I'm happy that we have amended our turbulent past" Talia stated

"I'm also glad to have you be here with me and for this momentous occasion, I just wish Grandfather was here too" Damian sighed

"I believe he is with us, every day and I also believe that he would tremendously proud of you like he always was" Talia reassured rubbing his back

"We should get going, wouldn't want to give the impression we have emotions now would we" Damian laughed

"You may not want too, but I am fine displaying mine" Talia replied hugging him and not letting go

"Room for one more?" Athanasia joked

"Of course" Talia said pulling her in

"How much longer will this persist" Damian asked

"As long as I deem necessary" Talia smirked

They stood there for a few minutes before Talia disbanded the hug, Damian entered Jon's car where Jon and Jackson were already sitting. They got home and Jon let Jackson give Damian the gift, he for once was taken aback by the gift and it was obvious because it was the first time he visibly reacted to a gift he was given.

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