The Day After

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Kent House December 25th 07:30am

Damian and Jon lay sound asleep in the position they had fallen asleep in, only to be woken by Jon's alarm which he had forgotten to turn off. He woke and grabbed his phone turning it off but he had woken Damian from the movement of grabbing the phone.

"Good morning" Jon said groggily

"Mmm" Damian hummed snuggling into his side

"Someone is clingy this morning" Jon said

"Shut up, I'm still sleeping" Damian said

"Pretty sure your not" Jon replied

"Not anymore" Damian pouted

"So I need to ask again, did you enjoy last night" Jon asked

"Yes, I did Beloved. I'm a bit sore but I did" Damian replied kissing him

"Good" Jon beamed

"Oh my god, Titus is probably awake I need to play with him" Damian exclaimed

"Okay we can go play with the puppy" Jon replied

"We?, your carrying me down there and I am playing with him" Damian stated

"But" Jon started

"I'm joking, let's go" Damian exclaimed

"Okay" Jon replied

"Are you putting a shirt on, before your parents see those" Damian asked pointing at the love marks

"I will but they already know what happened because of how loud you were" Jon smirked

"I was not loud" Damian exclaimed

"The whole neighbourhood could hear you" Jon joked

"Shut up and bring me to the puppy" Damian ordered

"Your wish is my command, if you kiss me" Jon replied

Damian kissed him and then Jon got above him still shirtless, Jon began kissing Damian's neck.

"Beloved" Damian sighed

"Sorry, your just the sexiest person" Jon said

"I know, puppy" Damian ordered

Jon got out of the bed and out the pyjama top on he saw the clothes strewn all over the floor, he quickly moved them at put them in a pile before picking Damian up and headed down to bed lay with the puppy. They then had breakfast and did presents with Lois and Clark before they all headed to the Manor.

"Why do you have a dog?" Bruce asked

"His name is Titus, and he's a gift from Jon" Damian replied

"Great another animal to care for" Alfred said exclaimed

"Come on in and out of the cold" Selina said moving Bruce aside

Damian and Jon walked to one of the back rooms where Lexi, Helena, Zack and Cassie were sitting and joined them.

"Who's this" Helena asked as the puppy ran into the room in front of the couple

"This is Titus" Damian replied

"He's kind of small for such a name, isn't he" Zack questioned

"No apparently he's going to get really big" Jon said

"Well it seems you know how to make Damian happy" Cassie stated

"I think I've mastered it" Jon replied

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