The Good News

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The idea for this one was given by.

Happy reading!

The entire team
(Bhuvi - centric)

"shut up Hardik, you always end up doing something very stupid?", said Jassi, raising his arms for good measure.

"no I don't",said Harry, crossing his arms.

"so you think, taking that kid's candy was a good idea. Did you see how his mother was giving us venomous look?"

"I didn't know, he would cry", protested Harry.

Jassi rolled his eyes on him. Hardik could be very dumbass sometimes.

" Bhuvi bhaiya, look at him", whined Jassi, pointing towards Hardik as they entered his room.

Both their eyes widened in shock looking at him.

Bhuvi was laying on his bed stretched, phone in one hand, staring at the ceiling, a smile playing on his lips, some unreadable emotions clouding his eyes along with tears, which were continuously flowing through his eyes.

"what's wrong with him?", whispered Harry, concerned.

" I don't know, I think we should call Virat bhaiya", he whispered back, worried himself.

They had never seen Bhuvi this way before.

Harry nodded as he sprinted towards Virat's room where all the other team members were already present.


"don't you think, Bhuvi had been gone for a while?", Rohit raised the question, sipping on some milkshake.

"yeah it's been a while actually", said Ash.

Harry entered just then, panting hard.

Everyone whipped their heads towards him.

"what's wrong Harry? Why are you running and where is Jassi? He was with you, wasn't he?", said Virat, concerned as he made his way towards him.

" Jassi is okay. It's Bhuvi", he said, still breathing hard.

Everyone stood up at once in alert.

"what happened to him?", asked Virat, panicked.

"he's in his room and something is terribly wrong with him. He's staring at the ceiling lost and crying and-"

But Virat was already running towards his room.

His heart beating fast. Why was he crying? What happened suddenly? He was laughing sitting with them, sometime ago.

"and smiling", completed Hardik.

Rohit and Jinks looked at him puzzled and Harry solemnly nodded his head indicating, he isn't joking this time.

Everyone ran behind the captain.

Virat entered the room to already find Jassi looking at Bhuvi, worriedly.

"oh thank God you're here, look at him Virat bhaiya", said Jassi.

Bhuvi was indeed staring at ceiling lost, crying but he somehow seemed at peace. His brows furrowed in confusion.

He slowly made his way towards Bhuvi.

"Bhuvi", he called out tentatively.

No reaction.

"Bhuvi", he said a little louder this time and placed his hand on his shoulder.

Bhuvi instantly turned his head towards him,stunned. He relaxed when he saw it was just Virat.

He then looked around, to see many troubled faces.

He quickly wiped his tears as he sat straight. Virat had his arms around him in a protective manner.

Rohit passed him his milkshake which Bhuvi took gratefully.

"what's wrong, Bhuvi?", asked Virat, gently.

Bhuvi shook his head smiling, "nothing is wrong infact now everything is right"

Everyone looked at him confused.


"Nupur is pregnant", he whispered, very quietly with a adorable smile tugging on his lips.

It took a while for everyone to decipher but then everyone's eyes widened and they broke into hysterical cheering.

"really", said Virat, thrilled as he jumped on him,grinning madly.

Bhuvi laughed as he wrapped his arms around him as well.

"move I want to hug him too", said Rohit as he pushed Virat away.

Rohit hugged Bhuvi smiling widely.

Everyone hugged him and congratulated him and Harry took a few minutes extra just to rile Jassi who was patiently waiting for his turn.

Jassi then pushed him and hugged Bhuvi, himself.

"I can't wait. I am sure our kids are going to be best friends like us",said Harry with gleaming eyes.

" absolutely she is going to be a new addition to the girls gang. I am sure, Sammy would love to be a big sister" Rohit added, happily.

"we are going to spoil her to no ends. I'll be her favorite uncle like I am everyone's", said Virat, smugly.

Everyone rolled his eyes at him.

"she'll love me the most", said Harry in a challenging tone.

"and why is that?", asked Jassi, crossing his arms.

"because I am adorable and amazing, duh", said Hardik, rasing his imaginary collars.

Everyone started arguing on who would be her favorite uncle with Virat and Hardik in break a leg competition.

"how are guys sure that the baby is going to be a girl?", asked Bhuvi, amused.

"we just know" all of them chorused together.

Bhuvi twinkled.

All of them spent rest of the time in Bhuvi's room, teasing, laughing and enjoying.

They also called Nupur to congratulate her.

Later when everyone were returning to their rooms.

Virat came back and hugged Bhuvi  and murmured, "she'll be perfect and I just can't wait to see her"

Bhuvi hugged him back tightly, reciprocating the warm feelings.

And true to his words, she was indeed perfect with her father's adorable eyes and her mother's beautiful smile.

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