I'll Always Protect You

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Sammy raptly stared at the giggling baby draped around her father's torso.

Rohit was smiling fondly looking at her and patting her back affectionately. Something which had always been restricted to them.

She pouted as she realised, since this baby came into the house, her dada's and mumma's attention was at the boffing baby.

They were doing everything to entertain her and thus neglecting her.

In that moment she decided, she didn't like the chubby baby.

She pouted as she tried getting her parent's attention by fretting but none seemed to work.

She threw hands up in despair, she needed to do something to get the limelight away from the girl with two pigtails.

"Sammy don't you want to play with the baby?", Ritika turned her attention to her smiling widely.

"no", Sammy immediately turned her head to the side and went to her playroom.

Rohit and Ritika stared at her retreating back in confusion.

She returned a few seconds later, only to pick her panda plushie which her dear Virat chachu had given to her, couldn't risk that.

Her eyes connected with Vamika who had been staring at her curiously with her big doe eyes, a kind of softness and love in her eyes, she melted at the sight but immediately straightened reminding herself, this baby was taking all her love from her parents, she narrowed her eyes in response.

But Vamika couldn't be bothered less, as if she saw straight through her 'I'm trying to be mean' look and smiled her toothy grin pointing in her direction while continuously jabbering something.

"what is she saying?", Sammy turned to her parents for clarification.

Ritika softly patted her hair as she responded, "maybe she wants to play with you"

Vamika snuggled more to her hand which made Ritika smile and Sammy fume even more.

"but I don't want to", saying so she went to her playroom once again to have a play date alone.

Vamika's face fell as she watched Sammy walk into another room. Her lower lip wobbled as she burst out crying.

Rohit looked at the scene amused, his best friend's daughter crying to spend time with his daughter.

He rocked her back and forth trying to calm her down but nothing worked as she continuously pointed in Sammy's direction.

Sammy sulked as she thought of dramatic scenes of her parents leaving her and taking the new baby in.

A few minutes later her room door opened and Rohit with a now tear stricken Vamika entered the room.

Sammy faintly glanced upwards on hearing the room door opening.

She frowned when she saw the baby sniffing.

Rohit carefully settled beside Sammy and for once she didn't mind. Her complete attention was on the Vamika, trying to find out what was wrong with her, in a protective way.

"did you make her cry Dada?", she asked in a stern manner.

"no I didn't", Rohit answered, biting his lower lip to refrain himself from smiling.

"then why is she crying?", she crossed her arms in a questioning manner.

"because small babies do", he smiled at her concern and helped Vamika down.

Vamika instantly crawled towards Sammy and tried climbing up on her lap.

Sammy seemed hesitant for a second and looked at her father for help but he rather nodded at her encouragingly.

He placed her safely in Sammy's lap and Vamika quickly wrapped her arms around her neck.

Sammy unknowingly pulled the baby closer hugging her in a warm sisterly manner.

Vamika pulled back and pocked Sammy's cheeks and burst into fits of giggles.

Suddenly the baby didn't feel any more annoying, Sammy smiled as she pinched her cheeks gently.

Rohit smiled affectionately at the scene of her daughter and his niece bonding so well together.

Rohit knew Sammy had developed a sense of insecurity and that was perfectly normal considering she was the older sister now but he had also seen the protective eye she kept at the baby all the time.

"do you think she likes me?", asked Sammy as she looked at Vamika who had now settled comfortably keeping her head on her shoulder.

"I think she loves you. She was crying because she thought you didn't want to play with her", assured Rohit as he laid her sleeping mattress.

"really?", Sammy looked at him with wide eyes.

"yeah and we love you too. You're my baba and mumma and me will love you the same way always", Rohit kissed her hair and then Vamika's.

"I thought you didn't want me", Sammy said in a low voice.

"you're my bacha, baba and no one can ever take your place. Vamika is an addition to the family not a replacement", Rohit chuckled gently as he held both of them in a warm embrace.

Sammy nodded in understanding.

"so I'm a big sister now?"

"yes and you have to take care of Vamika, right?"

"always Dada. I'll always protect her", she said proudly as she kissed her palms.

Rohit smiled softly, filled with so many emotions at once.

"I know, now come on let's put Vami to sleep, shall we?", he gently took a half droopy Vamika from her.

Sammy was bit reluctant to let go of her but she followed them to her bed.

"can I sleep with her here?", Sammy asked hesitantly as she fiddled with her fingers.

"of course"

Sammy quickly climbed near Vamika who instantly rolled to cuddle to Sammy.

Sammy wrapped her arms around her as she kissed her cheeks and fell asleep in no time.

Rohit pulled out his phone to click a picture and send to Virat, 'Sammy loves Vamika more'.

I hope you liked this. Writing about Sammy and Vamika is my favorite and it makes me smile till my cheeks hurt and I hope you smiled as well even if tiny na.

Also I have linked my instagram account on the boo. So if you want to connect, I'll be so happy to have you there💕

Here's the id: @junee.ray

All the love.

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