A Year Older

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Entire team (Rohit centric)


Today was a big day and Virat was feeling as bright as a sunflower.

All happy and jittery and how could he not, it was his best friend's birthday.

And it was not everyday that Rohit turned 35.

Virat had taken out his time from his precious gym session to make a happy birthday Rohit parody which he was planning to cordially play at the 'Rohit turns 35, a step more closer to be a grumpy old man' meeting.

A fairly big name for the meeting but when Virat decides something, who can stop him.

Isn't he the most amazing best friend?, thought Virat smugly.

Only one thing that Virat hated the most about Rohit's birthday was that it always came during ipl season and they always had to celebrate it via video calls.

Oh how much he wanted to smear the Birthday cake on Rohit's face and hug him and tell him and the world that they were the best duo and not Rohit and Polly.

Okay maybe that's not one but another thing he hated about Rohit's birth date was Pollard got to celebrate it with him and Virat was left hanging on the video call.

Virat narrowed his eyes in thinking mode when his phone buzzed with the reminder for the meeting.

He hastily shifted to his laptop and opened the meeting code, smiling widely.

Everyone had joined it on the right time except the guy who was supposed to.

"where is he, wasn't he supposed to be here like half a minute ago?", asked Virat irritated, he wanted to see him.

"must be with his mi mates", added Jaddu, darkly under his breath but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"guys come on, he'll be here maybe it's some network issue, also it's not even 12 now", sighed Jinks.

"did you see this post?", scowled Rahul from his window.

"which one?", pipped Shreyas, interested to know what got Rahul so worked up.

"wait let me send it to our group"

Everyone's phone pinged together and the same expression of 'I don't like this, I'm about to complain', passed through their faces.

It was a picture posted by Mumbai Indians instagram page.

Rohit had cake all over his face and hair, Ishan and Surya had their hands covered in cream.

Polly was holding a laughing Rohit in his place and Jassi was taking a picture of them, smiling himself.

"Rohit doesn't know how much trouble he had gotten himself into", muttered Bhuvi, even though he himself felt on edge.

Mahi bhai who joined the meeting jumped slightly in his place when heard lots of voices whining together.

He rubbed his forehead instantly realising what all this chaos was about.

It has been the same for years now, they got annoyed that Rohit celebrated his birthday first with mi and not them. They would sulk for a while and then when Rohit would join the meeting, they would demand answers and assurances that ict comes first for him and then happily forget about it and celebrate his birthday.

"I'm so sorry, I'm a bit late", Rohit said hastily as he quickly joined the meeting.

"where were you?", questioned Virat as he crossed his hands.

Though everyone knew the answer, Rohit still had cream over his hair and face, visible.

"uhm woh mein MI decided to throw me a surprise birthday party so I was just...", gulped Rohit, waiting for the storm.





"actually they didn't wish me on my birthday. They practically wished a day before because it's exactly 12 now", spoke Rohit, and showing his phone screen with timing for proof.

It was indeed right.

Rohit like promised was sitting in front of them and they were going to wish him first.

The team grinned widely as they sung in chorus, "Happy birthday to youu..."

Rohit genuinely smiled at his family. It had actually been a while since he smiled truthfully considering all the backlash he received and he was so immensely grateful for the team, even if they played in different ipl franchises but they all made sure to check on with Rohit and even other when they felt sad and downright demotivated.

"thank you so much guys", he whispered softly, suddenly not trusting his voice to be steady.

"for everything"

"come on Rohit bhaiya didn't you say", started Yuzi and the team completed.

"whether we win or lose, we have to smile"

To Rohit, you'll always be my favorite. Was here to celebrate your wins and will be here to stand with you in your downs.

Happy birthday Rohit. To the best captain, son, friend, brother, father and idol.

All the love.

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