Yuzi's Serial

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"what are you watching?", Rahul peeked into Yuzi's phone, who had been laughing loudly for sometime now.

Rahul's eyebrows forrowed in confusion as he saw some dramatic scene going on.

"oh, it's a new serial, I have been watching recently. It's amazing", grinned Yuzi as he pushed a little in Rahul's direction for him to see as well.

"I don't want to watch any serials. The indian soaps are just ridiculous at best", Rahul rolled his eyes as he turned to read his book again.

"oh come on, watch a few minutes. If you don't like it, I'll turn it off"

Sighing Rahul looked again at the screen, trying to concentrate on whatever nonsense was going on.

That's how, Hardik and Jassi found them, stuck together, watching something on Yuzi's phone while showing a variety of emotions on their face.

Jassi and Hardik looked at each other, shrugging made their way to them.


"that's not what I meant?", tried Virat justifying.

"I told you, I don't want to listen to any of your justifications. Keep 'em to yourself", said Rohit sternly as he brushed past Virat.

Just like they always did, Rohit had walked in Virat's room who was busy talking to someone on the phone at the moment, pacing to and fro in the balcony.

He plopped on the bed and decided to wait for him.

He didn't want to eavesdrop but knowing about your best friend's business isn't considered eavesdropping, right?

"I get it. Don't worry. I'll get it for you next time", laughed Virat as he assured the other person.

"I know, Rohit doesn't have to know. I won't tell him", spoke Virat.

Rohit's complete attention was now to the conversation. What was Virat planing that he didn't want him to know.

" yeah. I'll see you. I love you too Biscuit", Virat smiling ended the call.

He entered the room to find an indignant Rohit standing in the middle, with his hands crossed and eyes narrowed.

"when did you come and what's with the accusing look?", asked Virat briskly as he walked past him to get some water.

"who were you talking to now?"

"just a friend, why do you ask?", answered Virat nonchalantly.

"oh nothing special. I heard you talking to just a friend, who happens to be Ab huh what a coincidence! Talking about hiding something from me", replied Rohit, sarcasm and a little hurt dripping along his words.

Virat almost spat out all the water from his mouth.

Ignoring his protests, Rohit moved out from his room with Virat hot on his tail to explain.

"Rohit come back here, let me explain", screamed Virat.

They entered Rahul's room.

They frowned as they saw 4 of them, sitting on a couch of two watching something on a phone, very intently.

"what are you...", started Rohit but was cut in middle when four of them turned to him in sync and hushed him.

Rohit who was taken back for a second, decided to peek for himself and of course Virat followed him.

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