You're Also My Kid 1

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SophieArshian this one's for you.

This is based on a completely random time line.



Rohit, Surya and Ishan were to join the Indian cricket team directly after the ipl for the odi squad.

Surya and Ishan were debuting and were pretty nervous that is why Rohit decided to accompany them.

Everyone was in a pretty good mood that they will be meeting their team after so long.

Virat was the most excited to meet Rohit and though Jassi and Harry were with Rohit the entire time, they were as excited to meet their B-Ro.

Another soul who was yearning for the meet was Rahul. Since the time Rahul and Rohit had been opening partners a strong bond had been established between the two. Rahul had started looking up to Rohit when Virat wasn't around, he enjoyed his company and he did manage to find his own time with Rohit even with Jassi and Hardik around.

The first time, Rahul had shared something personal with Rohit was when Virat was rested for the series and Rahul wasn't doing well and didn't have anyone to share his plight with. Rohit had then found him on the terrace, dejectedly looking at the stars and had stayed the entire night making the kid feel comfortable.

After that night, Rahul couldn't hide a thing with Rohit. It was like Rohit could see through him.

Rahul smiled at the memories.

Someone knocked on the door to inform them that Rohit had arrived and everyone literally ran down to meet him.

Rohit stood in the lobby talking to Surya and Ishan, laughing about something.

Virat jumped on Rohit from behind with startled him.

"Rohit I missed youuu"

"but I didn't", teased Rohit, properly hugging him.

"chal mujhe pta h tune bhi mujhe miss Kiya. Aakhir mere Bina kese reh sakta h tu", stated Virat, melodramatically.

(I know you did because you can't live without me)

Surya's and Ishan's eyes almost popped out. They were meeting as if they were best friends, weren't they supposed to have a Rift?

"Rohit bhaiyaaa", screamed Shreyas, Rishabh, Hardik and Jassi as they ran towards them.

Rohit smiled brightly at them as they dog piled over him.

"how are you all?", asked Rohit as he ruffled their hair.

"good", they all chorused together.

Rohit then looked over at Ishan and Surya nervously fidgeting in a corner.

As their captain in Mumbai Indians, Rohit felt as his responsibility to make them feel home with the ict.

"urm guys, Surya and Ishan would be sharing the room with", he said, smiling kindly.

Surya and Ishan looked relieved and passed him  grateful smiles.

Virat though was unhappy with the arrangement understood Rohit's decision and felt proud of him to be honest.

Whereas the kids were unhappy with it. Shreyas and Rishabh had made all plans to camp in his room but they went all vain.

It didn't matter a lot to Rahul because he never got to share the room with Rohit with all these people around.

Rohit glanced over their long faces and cleared his throat before speaking, "and Shreyas and Rishabh, we can go for walk and ice cream today, what say?"

They happily bobbed their head indicating yes.

Rahul narrowed his eyes the duo.

They all made their way to their rooms, Rohit slowly fell in steps with Jassi and Hardik as he whispered, "movie night today"

Jassi and Hardik immediately brightened at the mention.

Rohit smiled as he then paid attention to Virat's rant about something stupid.

In all this, Rohit forgot to notice the longing eyes of another kid who wouldn't necessarily create drama for not getting attention but needed it.

Rahul who had heard the conversation got even more cranky.

Later on the dinner table as well, all the youngsters had clouded around Rohit especially Ishan and Surya who weren't very comfortable with the team.

Rahul didn't get any time with Rohit. In the corridor when they passed, Rahul hoped for his attention but even then Ishan came in between BORROWING Rohit for something stupid, thought Rahul, furiously.

Beside him sat a equally sad Virat, who also didn't get any of Rohit's attention.

He wasn't jealous, he was just gloomy because it had been so long since they sat together and had a chat peacefully.

The dinner got over when Rohit went out with Shreyas and Rishabh and to his room later for the movie night.

Rahul sat in his room, completely agitated. How dare others steal his time with Rohit? And why didn't Rohit even look at him? Was he not considered as his brother anymore?

He needed to get rid of these thoughts so he made his way to the person whom he knew would be in equal despair.

Heyaa, hope you liked it!

All the love.

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