Who Is She? 2

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"why don't we go inside and see ourselves because Yuzi clearly isn't in a condition to speak", Hardik raised his eyebrows at them after Yuzi failed to form a sentence for the sixth time.

Both of them nodded as they took off.

"stay behind me if you are terrified", assured Rohit.

"I'm not scared", squeaked Yuzi as he held Rohit's arm for support.

"of course", Hardik sneered as he pushed him forward to get inside.

Virat entered the room cautiously as he looked at every wall and corner.

After his thorough inspection he sighed in relief.

"there's nothing, Yuz", he spoke calmly.

"there is, there she is", shrieked Yuzi pointing at the ground before he climbed on the bed.

Everyone quickly averted their eyes at the given direction.

Virat's eyes widened before he screamed himself and joined Yuzi on the bed, "chipakli"

Rohit looked at his best friend weirdly before he glanced at the lizard lovingly.

"stop with the screaming guys you're scaring her", he glared at the duo clinging to each other for their dear life and then turned back to her, "it's okay we won't harm you"

Rohit engaged in a, what seemed like a conversation with her.

"AHHHHHHHH", yelled Virat as he held the broom up his head and ran towards them in full speed.

(don't ask where he got the brrom from TT)

Hardik stood to the side as he recorded the entire scene, taking up the job of Yuzi 'the reporter' since the original one was horrified to his soul.

"kill it, kill it", he cheered as Virat swinged the broom like a sword in air.

Virat pushed Rohit away as he ran behind the lizard, Rohit who was not at all ready for the attack subsided but as soon as the happenings registered he ran behind Virat.

"no stop it, you'll kill her", he yelled completely horrified.

"let it, it deserve to", snapped back Virat.

"no it doesn't, you're just cruel, killing innocent animals", argued Rohit as he held Virat with his shoulders.

The lizard taking the opportunity quickly hid behind the study table.

"it's a reptile and no I'm not. You're the only stupid person who likes lizards", retorted Virat as he glared at him.

"reptiles are animals too Virat. What did you study in school? Oh right you didn't pass the school", simpered Rohit, Virat was about to retort back something snidy but Rohit interrupted him and continued, "look let Lily live in peace"

"who the fuck is Lily now?", exclaimed an exasperated Virat.

"Lily, the lizard"

"you even named it", cried a completely horrified Virat.

"yes I did but that's not the point, she's harmless, aren't you Lily?", he questioned sweetly to the lizard poking it's head out.

Yuzi swear he was going crazy because he saw the lizard obediently nodding it's head. He almost collapsed on the bed.

"it's so ugly and disgusting, how could you even like that thing?"

"no one is ugly Virat. Everyone is beautiful, it's all in the head---", Rohit preached.

"and your head is empty. For fuck's sake listen to me Rohit, this lizard---"


"shut up, this is not the time to show your animal love. Lizards are the most unlikable creatures ever", Virat spoke, trying to get the simple thing in his best friend's thick head.

"they are not. They are just like any other animals. We shouldn't differentiate between them and others", addressed Rohit as he moved towards the study table.

"touch that thing once and I'm never letting you near us, me, Ritika, Sammy or anyone",Virat spoke through his gritted teeth.

Rohit who's hand was half way up in the air fell back to his sides immediately as he shot an apologetic look at her.

Virat seeing Rohit's complete attention at the revolting thing signalled Hardik to hold Rohit.

Hardik very dutifully stood just behind Rohit and as soon as Virat signalled, he promptly jumped on Rohit holding him tight in place.

Rohit screeched, fighting to loosen in grip, in the mean time Virat aimed his best shot at the lizard, Yuzi who had the bucket in hand hurriedly kept it on it successfully capturing the lizard.

"Yuzi sit on the bucket, we can't let it get away", Virat cried hastily and Yuzi quickly followed the orders.

Rohit was looking at the bucket in remorse, the guilt of not being able to save his new dear friend.

Flashback ends

"now do you think, I was wrong?", complained Virat.

For the first time, Mahi bhai was too stunned to speak.


okay I know this is absolute disaster, makes no sense 🫣😭, even i don't know what is this!!

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