Pranking MS

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Since the last few os have been serious, here's a fun update.

Since Polly's announcement, I had to write something related to him, OBVIOUSLY.

Will miss him on the field 💙

Happy reading!


"really", Virat shot up from his place in surprise.

"you seem a little too delighted", Anushka raised her eyebrows.

"of course not", Virat tried covering his menacingly wide grin with a cough.

Anushka shook her head at her husband and looked back at her phone screen.

Virat's absurd smile returned as he wooshed in the air.

Polly had retired from ipl which meant he wouldn't have to witness Rohit's and his bromance on the field, this was absolutely brilliant--

"oh wait but he has joined mi as a batting coach", Anushka's brows furrowed as she read the remaining message.

All the excitement fled from Virat's face as a scowl replaced it.

What the hell?

Only when he thought he could attain two minutes of happiness.

He took the phone from Anushka's hand and read the post.

To be honest, he would miss Pollard on the field as an athlete, he had always been a healthy competition and Virat loved the buzz and excitement it created but the other part of him didn't like him owning to obvious reasons.

Now he knows he was being a hypocrite considering his strong friendship with AB but it was different, you get it right?

Rohit wasn't a much jealous and possessive person, but sometimes he did flip off like that one time when he got the sniff of how Virat had brought AB limited edition snickers for his birthday which Rohit had been dying to get, much to Virat's trepidation.

He threw such an extravagant tantrum that for a minute Virat couldn't figure out who was the kid between him and Sammy.

He didn't talk to him for two days until Virat personally baked him a cake and coaxed him out.

But Virat's case was the complete opposite, whatever he felt, it was always displayed on his face and he definitely disliked the Polly-Ro edits already flowing on the feed.

His eye caught Rohit's post for him.

He would definitely post for him considering he was the captain and Pollard had played for the team for so many years and well much to Virat's dismay, was also a good mate of his.


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He huffed as he realized, Rohit hadn't put up any heart in his step down from the captain post but then again he realized, Rohit had been really mad about the announcement and it was more of a courtesy post.

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