The Two Way Jealousy 1

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Rohit narrowed his eyes at his phone, someone actually had the audacity to send this picture to him.

To him.

Rohit was barely active on his instagram it was as if once in a blue moon, he remembered his password and decided to post something.

Today after a long tiring match practice, he opened his instagram and decided to scroll through the requests section.

He randomly opened one dm and his eyes squinted at the screen.


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Rohit immediately scowled as he tapped on his screen a couple of times before he brought it close to his ears.

Virat who was in the shower while his phone rang loudly in his room didn't pay enough heed to it.

Rohit could not believe it but for the first time he felt AB was more secure than this Faf dude.

And Virat not picking up the phone only soured his mood.

Even after being the two greatest batsmen of all time with the sharpest and best strategic brains, the two had the brains of two year old toddlers when it came to each other.

Rohit decided he would not call Virat neither pick up his phone.

To distract himself from sulking, he threw his phone randomly on bed and left the room to lounge in the team room.

On the way, he met DB, who worshipped him like anything.

He smiled at the youngster, stopping to have a small chat, asking him if he had any problems or troubles around.

DB looked at him with starry eyes.

Then patting him on his back, he moved ahead while looking around, taking notice of even the small things that he had missed before.

When he was looking at the family pictures of the team members, smiling to their fullest, he smiled unknowingly too.

This was his ipl family.

The mi family.

He was observing everyone's glad facial expressions when someone pocked him on his calf.

He looked down to Delphi giggling at him with big eyes and clapping her hands.

(Delphi Mills is Tymal Mills and India Mills daughter. Recently MI has been posting videos of Sammy and Ritika playing with her. A little too cutee💗)

Rohit smiled at the curly head as he picked her up and gently pocked her back on her stomach.

The baby giggled again.

Rohit started playing with her, swinging her around, talking to her in baby language, Pollard and Ishan who came down also joined them.

All this was recorded for the MI tv.

Soon to be posted.


When Virat came out of his relaxing shower session. He changed into comfortable clothes and slumped onto the bed.

Seeing Rohit's miss call, he happily called his best friend back only to be unanswered.

Virat's joyful mood immediately dulled.

Anushka entered the room with Vamika. She passed her to Virat and left the room for the ladies get to know each other session that rcb had arranged that day.

Virat smiled at his life and kissed her forehead as he laid her on his chest.

Vamika busied herself with playing with her dada's beard.

Virat sighed as he got back to his phone.

He lazily opened instagram scrolling through the reels section to pass time.

When nothing appealed to him, he decided to stalk the ipl team's instagram pages, to know what were the others doing.

He started with of course, MI.

He needed to know what his best friend has been doing these days.

The most recent post caught his eye.

Rohit was looking at the family walls in the team room when his attention was diverted by someone.

Hearing a baby's voice, Vamika instantly looked at the screen.

She grinned when she saw her favorite uncle, clapping her hands but soon narrowed her eyes and pouted when she saw him playing with another baby.

"YAHHHH", she screamed she hit the phone screen.

Virat tried calming her down but she wanted to talk to him, now.

Virat finally redialed his number back again to be unanswered.

He called Ritika who picked up.

"hey", greeted she sweetly.

"hey Ritsy, wassup, how's Sammy?", Vamika tried to pull his beard hearing Sammy's name.

"ouchh", Virat freed himself.

"Virat everything okay?", asked a concerned voice from the other side.

"yeah, all good, listen is Rohit there?"

"he's downstairs but wait I'll get you to him"

As Ritika made her way downstairs, she and Virat caught up on everything including why he had to call so suddenly which made Ritika burst out laughing.

Ritika switched the call to video call, Virat looked at the scene in front. Rohit had the same baby he was playing with in his hand, Pollard carrying Sammy with Ishan holding Kaiden running behind them.

All of them laughing as three grown up played with three kids.

Vamika again screamed to get the attention.

Virat for the first time was proud of his daughter for screaming, he didn't like how Sammy was chanting Polly's name, hyping him, laughing when he swinged her in the air.

Only he could do that to her.

Rohit stopped hearing his godchild's voice. He turned around to see Ritika holding the phone.

His eyes gleamed immediately as he saw Vamika on the call.

He made his way to them, smiling his fullest to the camera, with little Delphi still in his arms.

Vamika narrowed her eyes at the baby and seeing that Rohit immediately stopped. Looking between the two for few seconds, the fused bulbs lit up in his head.

He passed Delphi to Tymal and took the phone from Ritsy.

"hii Vami", he called softly.

Vamika turned her head around indicating her anger.

Rohit bit his lip to refrain himself from laughing.

Like father, like daughter.

"I miss you baby", he said smiling.

Vamika looked at him with her doe eyes, now showing her two front tooth as if she understood what he had just confessed.

She took the cue to speak her newly generated baby language and Rohit happily obliged to listen.

Rohit cheerfully listened to her try form words, grinning until it disappeared, hearing his voice.


Heya I hope you enjoyed it!

Here's the part one, I'll be posting the second part soon.

All the love.

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