Couples 1

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Some of you might have read the first half in the other book but I'm continuing it further. Happy reading!



14 August 2008,

(India tour of Sri Lanka)

4 days before Virat made his ODI debut in international cricket.

Everyone from the Indian squad had already reached the destination.

Right now Virat was just Virat Kohli, no GOAT or King Kohli. An ordinary boy from Delhi was finally going to play for the Indian cricket team.

His dream for which he had worked hard was finally going to pay off.

He was literally bouncing on his place when he saw the legends of the team unpacking their kits and talking among themselves.

Virat was very easygoing by nature, he never had any trouble making new friends and adapting to the circumstances but still but standing among so many great people, he wasn't sure anymore.

His focus now shifted to the kid in the corner quietly unpacking his stuff.

His eyes gleamed as he registered him to be Rohit Sharma.

He had absolutely no shame in admitting that he was a big fan of Rohit. The way he timed the ball and played those shots, he had never seen such.

He kept all his things aside as he made his way to meet him.

Rohit who was oblivious to the storm coming his way was thinking about all the different ways he could play different shots when a sudden loud voice interrupted his crucial thinking process startling him.

He turned around to find a widely grinning Virat.

Of course, he knew Virat Kohli, the name has been all over the place after he recently took the team to win the under 19 world cup.

Rohit who was the exact opposite of Virat, calm and awkward with people, could only return a small smile while muttering a hushed hii.

The way Virat was looking at him with gleaming eyes, Rohit took it as a message that he was expecting something more from him so clearing his throat he continued, "congratulations, you're going to be debuting today, I'm sure you'll do your best"

Virat aggressively shook his hand as he thanked him.

Virat deciphered Rohit's shy nature as the sign for himself to speak. With all the others as seniors in the team and only Rohit around his age, he decided to extend the friendship.

Usually, Rohit would get annoyed when people interrupted his personal space but today when Virat continued ranting and complaining about something or the other like he had known Rohit for an eternity.

Rohit had a smile grazing his lips and a few chuckles did escape his mouth once in a while.

Mahi Bhai who was observing the two youngsters fondly remembered his initial days with Yuvi.

He knew this friendship was going to be stretched a long way for he never thought it to be this big.

The entire day for the practice and even the upcoming days, the two stuck together all the time.

And although India didn't win the series both Virat and Rohit were taking something very precious back home.

A friendship that they'll cherish forever!


"hello", slurred Virat, eyes barely open.

What else did you expect? It was 2 in the morning. By God, if Jaddu had decided to call him this late only to trouble him, he was going to make sure to kill him.


"Rohit", Virat cross-checked the caller id in confusion.

After the series, since both of them had gone home, they hadn't talked very frequently.

Both of them busy in their lives hadn't realised each other's absence. He hadn't even noticed he missed the lazy bean until he heard his voice.

"what happened?", he asked, his voice still hoarse and raspy.

"come out of your house", Rohit spoke severely.


"just do as I say for once", Rohit hanged up before Virat could say anything.

He trudged out to his balcony in anticipation when he saw a familiar figure standing below.

Rohr grinned at him as he readily waved at him.

Virat's eyes widened, what the fuck was Rohit doing in Delhi? At 2 in the morning?


"what are you doing here?", Virat hissed extremely baffled with Rohit's sudden presence.

Not like he didn't like it but, he knew Rohit was not one of those who would do things like these it was more of his forte.

"we have got some important mission in hands, are you ready for it?", Rohit spoke slyly as he flunged the two black shawls.

Virat grinned as he galloped to get out of his house.

"what are you wearing?", Rohit laughed as he stared at Virat's minions nightsuit.

"what else did you expect me to wear at 2 in the morning? Tuxedo?", grunted Virat as he hugged Rohit.

"right so here's the plan, we wrap ourselves in these and---"

"why do we have to do it? Is it necessary? Where are we going? What are you doing here?", asked Virat in one breath.

"yes we have to do it, it is necessary, come on Virat, you know it gives the kick and you are going to see what's going on and stop asking so many questions", winked Rohit as he wrapped the shawl on Virat's head.

"are you drunk? Are you on drugs?", Virat's eyes widened as he checked Rohit's temperature.

"no I'm not, I can be fun sometimes too", grumbled Rohit as he slapped Virat's hands off.

Virat smiled sheepishly as both of them walked out with shawls on their heads looking like professional thieves.

Rohit stopped dead in his track when he saw the watchman at the gate.

"there's a watchman", he whispered hurriedly.

"didn't you see him when you got in?", Virat frowned. "don't tell me you climbed the wall and---"

"no stupid, I didn't. When I got here, he was not here"

"okay so..... what's the problem?", asked Virat deadpan, "it's not like we're couples sneaking out... Oh wait. Just cover your head and don't say anything AT ALL"

"what why?"

"shhh just do as I say"

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