The Friendship Test

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Rohit squinted his eyes at his phone screen.

He was casually surfing through twitter and one particular tweet caught his eye.


Oh my god I took a friendship test for Virat and AB, they have a chemistry of 96%.

Literally best friend goals.

#bestfriends #AbRat

Rohit huffed as he read the replies, all of them praising the duo and how genuine their friendship was.

He needed to take this friendship chemistry test as well, to prove his friendship with Virat was more than 96%.

He quickly clicked on the link and the web page appeared.

He filled in their names and waited for it to process.

A set of questions appeared for him to answer but before he could begin with filling of answers his room door banged open as the mighty Virat Kohli entered the room while bouncing in every step.

Rohit quickly hid his phone as he turned his attention to him.

Virat halted as he narrowed his eyes at him, "why did you just hid your phone?"

"uhh nothing, why are you here?", stuttered Rohit as he waved his hand nonchalantly.

Virat put his hand on his hips and  stared at him for a few seconds before he cried out loud, "you're cheating on me, aren't you?"

"what?", Rohit's face scrunched up in confusion.

"you were talking to Pollard behind my back weren't you?", Virat pointed an accusing finger in his direction.

Rohit's eyes widened, "oh my god no, I was just surfing through internet"

"really then show me", demanded Virat as be stretched his hand ahead.

Rohit reluctantly handed him the phone as his ears turned red in embrassment.

"what is this-- a friendship test!! Oooh this sounds interesting", Virat immediately brightened up as he settled beside Rohit.

"yeah now give it back", Rohit tried snatching the phone back.

"wait let me use this first. Oh it already has our names filled. You were taking our friendship test. How cute Rohit", teased Virat as he used his one hand to push Rohit back in his seat.

"shut up", Rohit mumbled softly as he buried his face in his hands.

"Kay so here's the first question. How often you do guys hang out together?", Virat read the first question loud.

Rohit slowly peeked up curiously.

"the question should be how often we stay apart", muttered Virat as he ticked the last option of 'regularly'.

"how often do you guys FaceTime each other when apart?", he read further.

"all the time", Rohit thoughtfully.

Virat nodded as he filled it in.

"is he/she the first person you can think of when you're troubled?"

"always", both of them answered instantly and smiled as Virat checked it out.

"can you do anything to see the other person smile?"

"is that even a question, of course", muttered Virat, okay maybe these questions were a bit stupid but Virat also couldn't stop because he was intrigued.

"does being with the other person makes you feel safe?"

"are you sure you opened the correct link? ", questioned Virat.

"of course", frowned Rohit.

"then why does this friendship test looks more like couple's test", complained Virat as he threw his hand in air for extra effects.

"maybe we should take a couple's test then", said Rohit mischievously.

"fuck you, I'm very happy with Anushka, thank you very much", Virat pushed Rohit to the side fondly.

Rohit laughed as he sat straight again,"read the next one"

"does the other person makes your heart beat go faster"

"I told you this is a couple's test, maybe you didn't see the title right because you're half asleep", cringed Virat.

Rohit looked like he doubted himself for a second but soon shook his head and answered, "I'm sure I clicked the right link, one of your fanpage's used this link to calculate yours and AB's friendship percentage"

"caught you", exclaimed Virat grinning.

Rohit bit his tongue as he cursed himself for his stupidity but cleared his throat and continued, "my heart doesn't beat faster when with you because you make me feel safe"

Virat stilled for a second, he doesn't know what he would do without Rohit, they had known each other for more than a decade now and had seen each other in their highs and lows, standing tall with each other against all odds. Virat had always been grateful to have Rohit in life and vice versa.

"which movie did you hear that line?", teased Virat.

"it's original please", Rohit rolled his eyes.

They answered a couple of more questions and submitted it.

Rohit stared at the screen waiting anxiously as it calculated their results.

"it better give good score otherwise I'm sueing this stupid game developer--", muttered Rohit.

"it's 97%, of course I knew you and I had better chemistry, I always knew", Rohit grinned as he proudly looked at the analysis.

Virat shook his head smilingly.

"let me post this from our fan account", Rohit grabbed the phone and took a ss.


Just took a friendship test for Rohit and Virat and damn my guys have a chemistry of 97% still more than anyone ha!

Literally best friend goals.

"bestfriendsforever #rohirat

"..... And posted ", Rohit smiled proudly at his work.

Virat couldn't help but laugh at the childishness of his 35 year old best friend but would he trade it for everything.

Oh hell no!

I'll tell you the back story for this, today at my physics coaching class two girls sitting behind me were taking a friendship test and I thought I should make one for Rohirat as well 😂

Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed!

All the love.

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