The Secret Mission 2

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"you know what you have to do, right?", whispered Jaddu as he leaned towards Hardik.

Hardik nodded excitingly. Jaddu had planned a brilliant plan (read ghastly) to distract Bhuvi from his phone.

He suggested that Harry should push Jassi in the water while they pass from the pool side and Bhuvi being the caring brother he is, would rush to help him and leave his phone and Rohit at that moment would nick it.

Everyone immediately declined it but on his continuous insistence and him mentioning the benefits of his wonderful plan, agreed.

Jassi stuttered at the thought. It would have been better if they didn't tell him. Knowing he is going to fall in ice cold water only scared him.

Rohit slinged his arm around Jassi and, a bit guiltily said, " I am very sorry, you have to go through this Jas but you don't worry. I'll be ready with a hot chocolate cup and warm fuzzy blanket for you"

Jassi shook his head indicating a no and said, " it's no big deal bhaiya. Anything for us"

Rohit smiled proudly at the boy and tightened his hold on him in response indicating his love.

On the other side, along with Jaddu was Virat telling Hardik how to push Jassi so that he doesn't get hurt.

"don't push him too hard, apply a force of 20N and push him in the angle of 58° so he doesn't hurt his arms and--", read out Virat from his phone.

"this is no physics class captain", whined Hardik who wasn't understanding a thing.

All he knew was he had to push Jassi in the water to grab Bhuvi's attention.

"he's right Virat. He knows what he's doing. He had done this a lot of times before. Don't worry", said Jinks as he placed his hand on his shoulder to relax him, saving Hardik.

Hardik nodded hastily and passed him a grateful smile.

Virat sighed and said, "okay fine but just be careful"

Bhuvi came just then laughing with Ash.

They both sat on the seats near the pool and Bhuvi put his phone on the table.

Everyone took their positions.

Rohit and Jinks joined Ash and Bhuvi.

Kul, Yuzi and Rahul were sitting on another table having some breakfast, well only Kul and Rahul because Yuzi was busy preparing his camera and setting it to the desired angel to catch the iconic fall.

Jaddu and Virat caught the manager and formed a huddle complaining to the perplexed manager about their poor service, who apparently didn't provide them access to the pantry for their pranks while simultaneously keeping an eye on Hardik and Jassi.

Jassi took a deep breath waiting for the impact but was awarded with a splashing sound.

Confused he opened his eyes to find Hardik trembling in water.

Hardik was about to push Jassi in water with full force but slipped on the water on the edges of the pool.

The looks of surprise on everyone's face was genuine because of the change in plan.

Bhuvi and everyone galloped towards them.

Jassi was already pulling Harry out whose teeths were clattering and was curling himself in a ball.

"what have you done?", exclaimed Bhuvi as he wrapped a towel around him.

"I----did-didn't mea--- iiiit", stuttered Hardik.

"shut up idiot. Can't even speak and still has to give a justification", muttered Bhuvi, as he used another towel to start drying his hair.

Rohit in all this drama had smoothly put Bhuvi's phone in his pocket.

" take him to his room, Bhuvi. I'll get some hot chocolate and blanket", said Rohit smiling a bit, glancing towards Jassi who was almost smiling himself.

Bhuvi nodded and pulled Hardik up and made his way to his room, lecturing him about how brainless he is. How he always land himself in trouble.

Harry leaned into Bhuvi's warmness and Bhuvi only pulled him closer not caring about him getting wet.

"poor Hardik", said Kul, sympathetically.

"he's no poor. Good he fell atleast now the number of times he pushed is equal to him falling", said Rahul wickedly.

"did you get the phone", demanded Virat.

"yes I did", said Rohit proudly as he produced the phone from his pocket and gave to Virat.

"perfect", smirked Virat, as he examined the phone from outside.

While everything else cheered on the success of their plan.

But maybe phones these days are PaSsWoRd PrOtEcTeD🌝.

To be continued.

Until next time,
All the love.

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