The New Team

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Here's another one of the requested one's.

Happy reading!



New beginnings bring new heights and accomplishments but the old leaves countless memories and missings.

That's how Yuzi felt, though very happy for the new beginning of playing in a new team, doing something for his team but leaving rcb, the team which gave him everything was heartbreaking.

He wasn't sure, how to play in any other team where Virat bhaiya wouldn't be there, where AB wouldn't be there, where Mr. Nags wouldn't be there to nag him.

All these years, his emotions were binded with rcb and only rcb and now this sudden change, he needed time to process this.

The same reason why he was unavailable on the dinner table that night.

There, some were very happy to play in their same team again or get with their friends in the same franchise but no one could deny the love of their previous teams.

Virat had been running around the entire day trying to comfort the sad and crying kids, who were going to different franchises.

The only one who he hadn't encountered since morning was Yuzi and now he was growing worried for his kid.

Yuzi had always been more closer to Rohit but his undying love and worship for Virat could never be neglected.

Virat always reciprocated the same sentiments, playing with Yuzi in the same team for years, he was like a younger brother to him.

He did love to pull his legs all the time but he loved tilli.

Rohit had gone for some meeting that evening and Virat realised he couldn't wait any longer to talk to Yuzi and so made his way to his room.

After three loud knocks on his door, Yuzi finally opened the door.

Though he tried giving his best decent smile but nevertheless nothing could he hidden from Virat, who instantly saw his facade hiding his dullness.

His eyes grew sad suddenly, he wouldn't be playing with Yuzi and Dev together.

He didn't realise, how much he was going to miss having these boys around but it was meant to happen and it did.

So giving his best cheeky smile he stated, "I didn't see you on the dinner table today"

"oh-h yes, I didn't feel hungry Virat bhaiya", he stuttered a bit, downcasting his eyes to avoid any eye contact.

Virat and Rohit were very good at reading eyes and he knew. They instantly knew when they were lying or hiding something.

Virat's eyes narrowed as he mentally huffed at the lying brat.

He hated when the boys lied about being alright when they were not. He wanted them to come and talk /rant it out to him. Whin, complain he was okay with it but do not lie.

He always wanted to be there to comfort the kids, make them feel special and be that one person they can talk about anything and everything.

And the same was going to be followed for Yuzi.

"alright I'm sure you're hungry now. Come on, let's get some milkshakes and waffles", he extended his arm to catch hold of Yuzi.

If ice cream and walks were his and Rahul's thing.

Waffles and milkshakes were their thing. Virat and Yuzi had their days when they often spend their time catching up on everything with caramel milk shakes and choco chip waffles.

"but bhaiya ---

Yuzi knew what Virat was trying to do and honestly he was so grateful to have him but right now he thought he was better alone. He knew in front of Virat he would breakdown.

But he also knew that Virat was stubborn and he wouldn't stop until he gets what he wants.

Virat crossed his arms, pouted and tried to sadden his eyes further.

Yuzi sighed, "okay give five minutes"

Virat grinned as he thumped him on the shoulder.

Yuzi appeared again in few minutes, now dressed in sweatshirt and sweatpants.

Virat guided both of them out of the hotel, neither of them saying anything.

They walked a bit further in the cold evening air, the peaceful view calming them.

Yuzi instantly felt a lot better not just because of beautiful view but the presence of his brother beside him. Maybe coming out with him wasn't that bad an idea.

They went in a quite cafe in a secluded corner. Virat placed their all time orders and came back.

Yuzi looked around, he saw that coming.

"I know what you're feeling and trust me, we're all going haywire with this, I can't imagine rcb without you. We are, I'm going to miss you so much. Rcb is not same without you and you'll always be a part of us, the rcb family and moreover I'm here always, just a call away", spoke Virat gently yet firm on his points.

"I can't imagine playing in a team which is not rcb", Yuzi finally spoke after a few seconds, fidgeting with his fingers.

Virat instantly shifted towards him, rubbing his back, encouraging him to talk.

"the sentiments attached with the team is just so strong. I feel like I'm betraying it"

"you're not. You can never, you're going to play for your team and doing the best for them is your responsibility"

"I know. It's just... I never thought, I'll even miss Mr. Nags", chuckled Yuzi.

Virat smiled getting the context. Yuzi was finally accepting it, he gradually relaxed.

"I'll forever be grateful for rcb, the team, the management and you. Whatever I'm today, it's all because of them but I think with time, we gotta accept the changes and I'm going to give my 100% to RR", Yuzi said with a determined smile.

Virat solemnly nodded, smiling himself. Proud of the man sitting in front of them.

He had seen Yuzi in his lows, the boy who just came to the team had evolved so much over time and he was so immensely proud of him.

"thank you Virat bhaiya, for everything"

"anytime kiddo", Virat ruffled his hair.

"and  careful Virat bhaiya, you're on my hitlist now", teased Yuzi.

Virat laughed and Yuzi joined in, finally feeling like himself.


Heyya, I hope you liked it!

I really can't imagine Yuzi in any team except rcb, it's so heartbreaking :'(

All the love.

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