You Hate Me?

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Bcci sometimes makes my blood boil. Virat deserved a better thank you and Rohit deserved a better beginning.

I had to write something to make myself feel better and I hope it does the same for you.
Happy reading!


He hates me.

Rohit's eyes welled up with unshed tears, remembering his call with Virat.

Rohit was numb hearing the news of him being the new captain. He didn't know how to process and feel it.
Those words should have given him happiness but it scared him. Scared of loosing his best friend. He could never replace Virat.

With rapid breathing he dialled Virat's digits to be answered everytime in the voice mail.

He grunted as he re-dialled his number. He needed to have this conversation with Virat.

He needed that assurance that even with this shift of positions, nothing will change between them.

On the fifth ring, Virat picked up the call and growled in the phone, "what?"

"Virat, I need to talk to you", spoke Rohit, urgently.

"but I don't want to talk to you", snapped Virat and cut the call.

Virat was shocked when he received the news of him steping down. He wasn't angry on Rohit. He could never be. Rohit deserved every single bit of it. He knew Rohit had the potential of leading the team towards best maybe even better than him and he was happy for his best friend but he was also extremely angry on the board.

He needed time to wrap his head around everything happening. He realised he had hurt Rohit but Rohit will understand. He kept his phone aside and went to play with Vamika to divert his mind. Little did he know that Rohit understood something different.

Rohit had locked himself in the room since than, doing nothing just staring at the ceiling and remembering his happy moments with Virat.

Rohit couldn't believe, he lost Virat to something like this.

He could never in his wildest dreams,  imagine replacing Virat.

He didn't want the captaincy which made his best friend go away.

Sammy's whines of Dada and Ritika's threats of throwing away his ice-cream tubs and chocolates went unanswered as he didn't get out the room at all.

Ritika knew she had to do something quick and with that thought she quickly dialled the only person's number who could handle her husband.


Virat was sprawled in his living room with Vamika sleeping beside him on her mat, Anushka was sitting beside him on the other side. He was staring mindlessly at the television ahead. He couldn't even bother to look at whatever playing on it.

His phone was silently ringing on his kitchen slab.

Anushka's phone rang breaking him from his trance.

"yes Ritika", greeted Anushka to her best friend.

Virat's ear perked up at the mention. He looked up to look at his wife and frowned himself when he saw her frowning.

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