The Cook Off

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Please read the note at the end.

Entire team


There was a large gap between the t-20 and odi series and therefore the Indian Cricket Team had decided to do nothing and just lounge around after practicing off course.

Rohit was stuffing some 'non-fat' cookies in his mouth sitting on the bed while watching some cooking show.

Rahul, Shreyas, Rishabh, Jassi and Bhuvi were keeping him company, all heavily engrossed.

Yuzi was making some instagram reel and had dragged a horrified Kuldeep with him.

Hardik and Jaddu were out for God knows what and Virat had just returned from his long call with his wife and daughter.

The large smile on his face wiped off when he saw no one was paying him attention.

He sat near Rohit who was busy watching and eating and to gain his attention he spoke loudly, "always thinking about eating", he tried sneaking a cookie from Rohit's packet but he slapped his hand off.

Everyone shushed him in sync which did creep Virat out. He muttered grumpily under his breath something about Rohit turning everyone like him.

He looked at all engrossed in watching some weird dish being made out, he did try focusing for sometime but gave up soon after and decided doing what he was best in.

"you're always thinking about food", tried Virat, igniting.

"this is getting old, try something new", said Rohit without looking away from the TV, his mouth watering watching the delicious dishes.

Virat crossed his arms and said, "you have been watching these cooking shows for years but I bet you even know how to cook a Maggie"

Rohit finally turned to look at Virat and scoffing said, "oh please I cook way better than you. You can't even boil water properly"

"I know how to boil water, atleast I have learned now but you, you can't do anything except eating. I remember Ritika telling me once how you even burnt the omelette. That's the easiest recipe ever and can't even make that, chef", said Virat smugly.

Everyone was now paying the two attention who were bickering like kids on who knows cooking when both had no knowledge about cooking.

Hardik and Jaddu had also come by then and were watching the two toodlers.

The new members of the team were amazed by their senior's behavior, the two people who were supposedly had rift and hated each other were fighting on who cooks the best.

"why don't we hold a competition to see who can cook?", said Jinks, calmly.

Everyone quietened at once and looked at each other.

"I'm in", declared Virat.

"do we really have to I mean", said Rohit, not really wanting to exhaust himself.

"why? Afraid of loosing", said Virat smirking.

Rohit scowled and then immediately said, "I'm in too"

"can I participate too? ", asked Harry, brightly.

"why not, the more the merrier either ways, I'll be the one winning", said Virat, shrugging.

Rohit scoffed at his over confidence.

"I think you guys should do this with partners", suggested Jaddu and the idea was readily welcomed.

All three of them turned to look at the best chef among them.

Bhuvi immediately took a step back.

"he's with me", said all three together.

"No", shouted all three again.

"he'll be with me", demanded Virat.

"excuse me, he's my best friend",said Hardik.

"why does he have to everything you guys? I bet he's bored now and needs a new partner", countered Rohit.

"I'll play the judge", said Bhuvi finally.


"yeah, someone need to judge the horribl- I mean amazing dishes you make", said Bhuvi, grinning.

While all three sulked, they knew if Bhuvi was in their team, they would have surely and easily won.

"fine. I'll pair up with Rahul", said Hardik, gleaming as he pulled Rahul with him.

"but I don't want to", growled Rahul as he tried to pull his hand back.

"oh come on Rah. Let's show them, whose the boss", said Hardik, proudly.

"I'll play the judge too and him too ", surrendered Jinks and pulled Jassi with him who blinked his eyes to thank him for saving him.

"I'll pair up with Shikhar then",claimed Rohit, immediately when he saw Virat was about to do that.

"don't worry Virat. I'll play your partner", said Jaddu, grinning.

Virat scowled because apparently getting paired up with Jaddu for cooking was absolutely useless.

"we wanna participate too", announced Shreyas with Rishabh.

"us too", chimed Yuzi, pointing towards him and Kuldeep while Kuldeep onyl meekly nodded because he couldn't say no to Yuzi.

While the judges nodded, the rest glared at their new competitors.

And the rest decided to cheer for them.

"we'll meet tomorrow for the competition till then you're can discuss with your partners what and how to do it", announced Jinks.

"you'll have 2 hours tomorrow to make your dish and present it", added Bhuvi and the others nodded.

Everyone dispersed to their rooms with their Partners to discuss the plans for winning.

Virat pushed Rohit's shoulder while walking and said, "see you tomorrow looser"

Rohit rolled his eyes at his childish behavior and yet forwarded his hand to hit him back.

Holaa, so here's the first part.

Who do you think will win this cook off?

Now that I have done so much writing in these last few months. All I wanted to ask, what do you guys think about it? Any places where I can improve? Your feed back would a lot to me!

Until next time,
All the love.

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