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Entire team(Bhuvi centric)



Bhuvi leaned back on his bed exhausted.

He didn't how but he had caught this vicious cold. His body was on fire.

Even changing the sides seemed like a massive sport. Every joint of his body hurt in even the tiniest movement.

Sweat beats formed on his forehead while he was shivering.

The drapes were all closed leaving the room pitch dark. He didn't leave his room since night, before going to bed he felt a little uneasy but he shrugged off the feeling and went to sleep.

Midnight he was woken while burning on fever. He took a paracetamol hoping it will be okay the next morning but alas.

He was not.

He knew someone from the team would he knocking on his door any moment because he missed the morning breakfast.

His phone was lying on the couch and he didn't even have any energy left to go there and call one of them.

As expected, someone knocked on the door, most probably Jassi because he was residing the next door.

He rang the door bell next but Bhuvi couldn't get himself to walk till the door and open it.

He closed his eyes and clutched the blanket more to him because he knew the team would eventually find a way in.


"he's not opening the door", Jassi reported worriedly as he came back to the breakfast table.

Virat frowned as he asked Rahul, who was sitting next to him to call him.





"did anyone of you see him going out?", Virat asked impatiently growing anxious by every minute.

The team manager shook his head, "he hasn't left his room since night I guess, after the dinner"

"he'll be okay Virat, let's go and check", said Rohit soothingly as he kept his hand on his shoulder.

The team left the breakfast in middle and ran to his room.

"Bhuvi you in there! Open the door", Virat banged on the door loudly.

"Hardik run and get the master key from the reception", ordered Virat as he continued banging.

Hardik quickly nodded and ran  to retrieve the master key.

Everyone was growing anxious and worried, Bhuvi was never irresponsible to behave like this, something must he very wrong.

Harry came back and handed Virat the key. Virat quickly inserted it and the door clicked open.

Everyone squinted their eyes to adjust to the darkness of the room.

"Bhuvi", Virat called out softly.

Bhuvi grunted in response, everyone's head snapped to the lousy figure curled at the end of the bed.

"shit", Virat muttered as he hastily approached him.

Yuzi turned on the lights and everyone could see his face scrunching in discomfort.

"Yuzi dim the lights to lowest", said Rohit as he ran out to call the team doctor.

Virat turned Bhuvi slightly towards himself but when Bhuvi groaned in pain, he took a step back and softly whispered, "sorry"

Hardik quickly took the spot empty to his best friend.

He took his warm hand in his and rubbed circles.

His heart ached seeing his horrible condition.

Bhuvi had always been there to look after them when the got sick. He had stayed with them when the doubted themselves. Always radiating 'I'm here for you' energy.

For Hardik, Bhuvi was his best friend. He had been there for him always and seeing him in so much pain and the fact that he couldn't do anything to take that way was heartwrenching.

Bhuvi opened his eyes a little to look at the concerned faces of his team mates.

Even Jaddu was looking highly perturbed.

He slowly took his other hand out of the blanket and patted Hardik's arm as he almost inaudibly whispered, "I'm okay"

"no you're not. You're running on high fever and literally burning up", Virat quickly put his hand back in the blanket as if it would freeze outside, clearly fretting.

Bhuvi chuckled gruffly before he broke into strings of cough.

Virat and Hardik helped him sit up a little and Jassi quickly passed them the water.

Bhuvi drank water to calm his parched throat and leaned on the head board closing his eyes.

Rohit rushed in with the team doctor. The gave him the space to check him.

"he'll be okay right?", asked Hardik even before the doctor could check him.

Doctor nodded and took his stethoscope out when Jassi interrupted, "it's not anything serious right?"

"I hope so"

Virat interrupted next as he side hug Bhuvi, leaning him again himself, "when will he be fine?"

"let me check first guys", the doctor sighed.

The three of them bit their tongues, "please"

After the checkup, the doctor prescribed some medicines, "he's gotten a severe cold and a fever but nothing to worry out, just ensure he takes proper meals with these medicines and ample amount of rest and he should be fine in around 3 days"

Everyone relieved the breath they didn't know they were holding.

"thank you doctor", Rohit took the prescription paper from him and went the team manager.


In the evening Bhuvi was feeling slightly better, the team had to go the training, they were hesitant but Bhuvi pushed them out and they reluctantly left but as soon as they came back, they met again in his room.

Bhuvi truly felt blessed to have these people around.

The team also knew Bhuvi would he okay soon cause they had successfully mother-henned the mother of the team.

Heya just wrote this while lying in the bed, sick myself but I hope you liked it.

All the love.

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