Start Of An Era

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This is a completely random plot and has nothing to do with reality what so ever.

This is also one of the requested os which I took infinity to complete so please forgive me but I have made the chapter long to compensate.

Happy reading!



Rohit glanced nervously at the room entrance as he waited for his roommate to arrive. Mahi bhai had dropped by sometime ago and informed him that a new player was joining the team that he would have to room with.

Virat Kohli.

He knew the name, everyone knew that name. The guy whose team had just won an U-19 World Cup.

Rohit remember being in awe when he watched him bat in the championship for the first time.
Rohit would even beg to learn those cover drives from him.

He was looking forward to seeing him, maybe they could make friends as well since they were youngest in the team.
He was close to the other team members as well but having someone same age as him would be nice.

Despite him being a class batsman, Rohit had also heard some not so nice things about him.
People were quite judgy about his aggressiveness on the field. He had also heard about his arrogance, that he thought of himself as superior, his excessive use of abusive language but Rohit decided to make a verdict for himself since media often published bullshit.

A loud voice boomed in the room making him flinch in his place.

Rohit stood up to introduce himself. Virat glanced upwards sensing a new presence in the room before his mouth hung open.

Holy shit, this was Rohit Sharma---

He mumbled a quick 'call you later' as he cut the call and stared back at him. Rohit shifted awkwardly in his place as he walked up to the new lad.

"hey I'm Rohit, I'll be your roommate for this series."

Virat only nodded his head before he dropped his luggage and fled to the washroom, not at all trusting his voice to not say something embarrassing like 'oh my gawsh I'm such a huge fan, can I have an autograph?'

Rohit frowned in confusion seeing his weird behavior before shrugging, maybe he was a little shy in person.

Virat leaned against the closed door cringing internally remembering his uncanny behaviour moments ago.

He wasn't like this, he was loud, confident and never had trouble making friends.

Friends? Okay acquaintances.

His girlfriend cheated on him with his best friend while he was away on a tour. He did feel bad about his girlfriend cheating on him but with his best friend pierced his heart and honestly he can never trust anyone blindly again.

Rohit did seem pretty nice and friendly but he was not going to let this relation extent except the field.


Rohit sat dejected in his place after getting rejected for a breakfast date for the sixth time.

Yes, sixth time.

He had tried extending his friendship with Virat off field but the guy refused to even acknowledge him in the room.

Everytime Rohit entered their room, Virat sat with his headphones on or was already asleep.

Rohit huffed in annoyance, maybe the media was right about his rude behaviour but then again he had seen Virat talk to his mother and sister with so much love.

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