I'm Not Jealous 2

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Thank you so much for all the love on the first part. Here's the next one.

Happy reading!!

Rohit groaned as he searched for his phone. This call better be important otherwise the caller is dead for waking him up in the middle of the night after the tiring match.

"hello", mumbled Rohit sleepily.

"open the door", came the reply.

"which door?"

"your room door, idiot"


"because I'm standing outside"

"good good WAIT WHAT! What are you doing here?", hissed Rohit, now fully awake, all courtesy to his moronic best friend.

"open the door, then I might tell", sniggered Virat.

Rohit rolled his eyes and jumped from his bed to open the door.

He pulled Virat inside before anyone could spot The Virat Kohli in the MI camp.

"now tell me, what are you doing here in the middle of the night?", Rohit crossed his arms.

Virat ignored Rohit's words and moved to his open suitcase. He quickly pulled all the clothes out and chose one of the hoodies which Rohit wore often.

"I'm taking this one", he announced as he hugged it close to his heart.

Rohit looked at Virat weirdly.

What the hell is wrong with this man? He came in the middle of the night to mess his sleep and steal a hoodie.

Virat had seen a picture of Ishaan wearing one of Rohit's hoodie and playing with Sammy and the comments below it were all about Rohit sharing his hoodie with him and the brotherly love between the two.

Now Virat knows he shouldn't be jealous of Rohit's kid but he can't help it. He wants people to talk about their bromance as well.

The first thing tomorrow morning he would post a picture of him in Rohit's hoodie.

Rohit snapped his fingers in front of Virat. Virat's trance broke and he looked at Rohit, who was already raising his eyebrows at him.

He cleared his throat and ecstatically said, "you won the match na. I came to congratulate you"

He jumped on Rohit who almost lost his balance because of sudden attack but steadied himself quick.

"pagal h tu", muttered Rohit as he hugged Virat back.

"sirf tere liye"

"hatt", Rohit made a disgusted face as he pushed Virat away. Virat laughed as he capered on Rohit's bed.

Rohit knew something was up with Virat. Knowing him for so many years now, he could easily read his eyes. He always knew if anything was wrong with him. How he was feeling and what could help to make him feel better.

Today was no different. Something was troubling him and he had come to find solace with Rohit.

But of course The Great Virat Kohli won't say it himself so Rohit took the different approach.

"we have a practice tomorrow morning so speak if you have something important otherwise let me sleep", he spoke as he laid on the other side, closing his eyes.

Virat looked at Rohit's tired face and for once pitied for him until Rohit opened his mouth again.

" otherwise Trent and Surya would have a hard time waking me tomorrow ", yawned Rohit.

Virat was literally burning in jealousy. How could they wake him up? Forgetting that someone had to do his job when he wasn't around.

"yeah right, let me go. You have your new best friends now", said Virat, mockingly.

"what", confused Rohit opened his one eye to look at him who was speaking some nonsense.

Virat turned his face the other side, sulking.

It finally clicked to Rohit, VIRAT WAS JEALOUS.

Rohit would have taken the golden opportunity to tease him but he knew about Virat's insecurities and how much he could overthink. He was so worried about this whole thing that he had to come in the middle of the night.

Rohit reached out to him and placed his head on his lap.

Virat wanted to shoo him but he can't. After all Rohit was his best friend, from his side atleast.

"tu mera best friend tha, h or rahega", spoke Rohit, solemnly.

The sincerity in Rohit's eyes melted Virat's insecurities away but he can't give in so quick, can he?

"aur woh, Pollard, Trent, shuttlecock", he asked.

Rohit laughed at Virat's absurd nickname for Quieten De'cock.

"woh sirf dost h tu toh mera apna h", explained Rohit.

"then why do they stick like a leech to you?", cried Virat.

Rohit only hugged Virat from the waist and Virat couldn't help but ruffle his hair.

"I'm your ONLY best friend, promise", demanded Virat.


Rohit nodded his head and mentally chuckled at his childish best friend.



"you were jealous, haina", teased Rohit as he looked at him.

"N-oo why would I be", stuttered Virat, his ears turned red in embrassment.

Of course he was dammit but he wouldn't accept it in front of Rohit.

"liar lair pants on fire", screeched Rohit as he sat straight.

"shut up", Virat took the pillow and started hitting him while Rohit howled in laughter, Virat couldn't help but eventually join him in.

Both the best friends lay in bed gasping for air after laughing crazily.

"let's go out. I want to eat ice-cream", said Virat suddenly.

"at this time which restaurant would be open", said Rohit sarcastically clearly not wanting to leave his comfy bed.

"oh come on, I know this place, I'll take you there", said Virat, excitedly pulling Rohit up.

Rohit sighed as he got up, he had no option when he had an over enthusiastic git with him.

"you better wake me up on time tomorrow", taunted Rohit.

"that's my favorite job", grinned Virat as he dragged Rohit out of the room.

The two went around the city, clearly Virat didn't know of any ice cream shop that is open at 1:30 but they did manage to find a cozy cafe.

They had a cold coffee instead but Rohit couldn't complain, it was yum.

They spend the time leisurely going around the city and came back somewhere around 4 and crashed in Rohit's room.

Though Virat could have gone to his own hotel but since he promised to wake Rohit next morning, he accompanied him.

The next morning when Trent and Surya came to wake Rohit up, they were surprised to see Virat's head on Rohit's stomach, both soundly sleeping.

That night it wasn't Virat, the captain who came to Rohit's room but it's was Virat, the jealous best friend who needed the assurance that he was his best friend first.

And in all honesty, Rohit loved the jealous Virat more.

[oh Rohit so do we;-) ]

Heyya, I hope you liked it!!

Until next time,
All the love.

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