Sneaking In 2

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They reached the front of the dorms and saw the watchman sleeping soundly. They quietly tiptoed inside and taking the stairs reached the first floor where Vijeta's room was.

Rahul knocked on her door and when she sleepily opened the door, he gave her his brightest smile.

"Rahul tum yaha?", Vijeta's sleep flew away in seconds.

Rahul stepped forward to give her a hug which she reciprocated with equal warmth.

"I am here as well", Sachin cleared his throat.

"oh hello, Sachin", Vejita wished him, kindly.

As their greetings ended, Rahul closed the door on Sachin's face.

"hey, what are you doing?", Sachin banged on the door.

"shush you're gonna wake everyone up", whisper yelled Rahul.

"what I'm supposed to do here? I'll get bored while you two romance inside", whined Sachin.

Rahul opened the door two minutes later and handed him a packet of homemade namkeen and laddoos.

"I'll wait here and warn you if anybody comes", said Sachin gleaming, eyeing the packets.

"good", replied Rahul, smirking while Vijeta rolled her eyes at the pair of best friends.

Sachin sat comfortably at the chair kept outside opening the food packets happily.

10 minutes later when he was about to put the last laddoo in his mouth, he heard some footsteps.

His eyes widened as he rushed towards the door.

"open the door. Someone is coming this way", he called desperately for them.

Rahul opened the door, a few seconds later, panic visible on his face as he pulled him in and closed the door again.

"I heard some footsteps this way. I think someone has gotten into the building", said Sachin, explaining.

"you think some chor got in", asked Rahul, worried.

When Sachin solemnly nodded Vijeta spoke from behind, "this is a hostel, a lot of girls live here. It can be anyone and moreover we have a watchman at the entrance", as she tried explaining them.

"the watchman is sleeping soundly how do you think we got in", said Rahul, mockingly.

Vijeta glared at him when Sachin spoke again, "no I'm sure, it's a thief. The footsteps were quite heavy and before that I heard some sound of something falling, must have made a mistake while sneaking in. They aren't professionals like us"

"then we must so something to stop this thief", said Rahul determined.

Vijeta tried stopping the two a few more times and then eventually gave up.

Sachin went to the store room next to Vijeta's room and came back with two wooden sticks.

"you think this is enough. What if he's armed!", asked an anxious Rahul.

"you don't worry, juice jam. I'll always save you", said Sachin fiercely as he slinged his arm around Rahul.

"don't call me that", muttered Rahul back but his immense faith in Sachin only strengthened.

Vijeta smiled seeing the two.

Sachin and Rahul covered their heads with blankets. Rahul did oppose the idea but Sachin had said it gives the adventurous feel so here they were, hiding behind a pillar with Vijeta in front then Rahul and at last Sachin.

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